Mapping of the Brazilian Groups Studying Nanocellulose
Asaph Armando Jacinto*, Márcia Aparecida da Silva Spinacé*
Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.7, No.5, pp. 429-440, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2019.04427
Abstract The nanocellulose is a material that has gained much attention in the recent years. So, the relevance of Brazil in this field was evaluated concerning the scientific publications in Web of Science. Next, the Brazilian groups were mapped using a bibliometric procedure on these data. Then, more factors were analyzed from them too. They were the sources to extract the nanocellulose in Brazil, the methods to do it, the characterizations to determine its dimensions and the funding agencies of these researches. The results identified 69 Brazilian groups. Besides, the bacterial cellulose was the most common More >