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Polyisocyanuratoesters: Renewable Linear Polyesters with High Flame Retardancy

Zijian Chen1, Rui Hou, Jianbing Cheng, Fengjie Fang, Donglin Tang*, Guangzhao Zhang

School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, 381 Wushan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510640, P. R. China

*Corresponding author: email

Journal of Renewable Materials 2018, 6(6), 584-590.


Biobased urea nowadays attracts increasing attention as a biomass resource with giant potential, which benefits from the development of biobased ammonia and ecological sanitation system. Urea is an ideal feedstock for chemical industry and developing new urea-based pol ymer materials can take advantage of the urea resource. In this work, a class of renewable linear polyesters, nam ely polyisocyanuratoesters (PICEs) were synthesized from a urea-based monomer bis(2-carbomethoxyethyl) isocyanurate and biobased aliphatic diols. Compared with conventional aliphatic polyesters, PICEs containing isocyanurate rings in the polymer chain backbone exhibit outstanding flame retardancy that both PICE-4 (the number ‘4’ refers to the number of methylene in diols, e.g. 4 for butylene and 6 for hexylene) and PICE-6 have hig h limiting oxygen index values over 30%. In the UL 94 tests, PICE-6 reaches V-1 rating; while V-2 is found for PI CE-10. All PICEs exhibit similar pyrolysis behavior that the temperatures of 5% weight loss are around 320°C. PI CEs are found to have glass transition among 20°C-45°C. No crystallization behavior is observed without annealing except for PICE-10, which can crystallize even at room temperature.


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APA Style
Chen, Z., Hou, R., Cheng, J., Fang, F., Tang, D. et al. (2018). Polyisocyanuratoesters: renewable linear polyesters with high flame retardancy. Journal of Renewable Materials, 6(6), 584–590.
Vancouver Style
Chen Z, Hou R, Cheng J, Fang F, Tang D, Zhang G. Polyisocyanuratoesters: renewable linear polyesters with high flame retardancy. J Renew Mater. 2018;6(6):584–590.
IEEE Style
Z. Chen, R. Hou, J. Cheng, F. Fang, D. Tang, and G. Zhang, “Polyisocyanuratoesters: Renewable Linear Polyesters with High Flame Retardancy,” J. Renew. Mater., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 584–590, 2018.

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