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Kinetics of the Demineralization Reaction of Deproteinized Lobster Shells Using CO2

Miguel Ángel Ramírez1, Luis Alfonso, Patricia González2, Juan Reinerio Fagundo2, Margaret Suarez3, Clara Melian3, Tania Rodríguez1, Carlos Peniche4,*

1 Scientifi c Technological Base Unit (UCTB) Los Palacios, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), Mayabeque, Cuba
2 School of Chemistry, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba
3 Department of Radiochemistry, Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences (InSTEC), Havana, Cuba
4 Biomaterials Center (BIOMAT), University of Havana, Ave. Universidad SN e/ G y Ronda, Vedado, 10600 Havana, Cuba
† National Center for Scientifi c Research, Havana, Cuba. Died July 25, 2012. This work is dedicated to his memory

* Corresponding Author: email

Journal of Renewable Materials 2015, 3(1), 73-80.


The demineralization kinetics of deproteinized lobster shells using CO2 were studied. Demineralization reaction proceeds until the concentration of Ca+2 in solution reaches an equilibrium value. The introduction of a cation exchange resin (cationite), in an open system for CO2 , allows replacement of the solution Ca2+ ions by Na+ ions, whereby the equilibrium shifts and an effective dissolution of the exoskeletons’ calcite is achieved. The mathematical relationships between the conductivity of the solution and the concentrations of major ions, the rate constants and kinetic parameters of the reaction in the absence and presence of the resin were obtained. It was found that the reaction follows pseudo-fi rst-order kinetics, and the experimental results were in good agreement with the proposed mathematical model.


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APA Style
Ramírez, M.Á., Alfonso, L., González, P., Fagundo, J.R., Suarez, M. et al. (2015). Kinetics of the demineralization reaction of deproteinized lobster shells using co2. Journal of Renewable Materials, 3(1), 73–80.
Vancouver Style
Ramírez MÁ, Alfonso L, González P, Fagundo JR, Suarez M, Melian C, et al. Kinetics of the demineralization reaction of deproteinized lobster shells using co2. J Renew Mater. 2015;3(1):73–80.
IEEE Style
M.Á. Ramírez et al., “Kinetics of the Demineralization Reaction of Deproteinized Lobster Shells Using CO2,” J. Renew. Mater., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 73–80, 2015.

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