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Properties of Different Chemically Treated Woven Hemp Fabric Reinforced Bio-Composites

Arunjunai Raj Mahendran*, Günter Wuzella, Stefan Pichler, Herfried Lammer

Wood K Plus-Competence Center for Wood Composites and Wood Chemistry, Linz, A-4040, Austria

Journal of Renewable Materials 2022, 10(6), 1505-1516.


The objective of this work is to carry out the chemical treatment for the hemp fabrics in a closed vacuum system and to prepare bio-based composites using treated hemp fabrics. The change in surface tension of the treated fabrics was measured using contact angle measurement and the wetting behavior using a tensiometer. Bio-based composites were fabricated using bio-based epoxy resin and different chemically treated fabrics. The flexural strength and dynamic water absorption behavior of the composites were characterized. The acetylated fabrics showed very good wetting behavior, and the contact angle values were marginally low compared to other treatment techniques. The bio-based composites fabricated using maleic anhydride treated fabrics achieved the flexural strength of 148 MPa and the dynamic water absorption values were less than 6%. The acetylated and maleic anhydride treatment methods were effective chemical treatments for the hemp fabrics and they enhanced both the wettability and fiber-matrix interaction. The chemical treatment methods that are carried out in the sealed environment can be utilized for all other natural fabrics that help overcome the moisture absorption behavior.

Graphic Abstract

Properties of Different Chemically Treated Woven Hemp Fabric Reinforced Bio-Composites


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APA Style
Mahendran, A.R., Wuzella, G., Pichler, S., Lammer, H. (2022). Properties of different chemically treated woven hemp fabric reinforced bio-composites. Journal of Renewable Materials, 10(6), 1505–1516.
Vancouver Style
Mahendran AR, Wuzella G, Pichler S, Lammer H. Properties of different chemically treated woven hemp fabric reinforced bio-composites. J Renew Mater. 2022;10(6):1505–1516.
IEEE Style
A. R. Mahendran, G. Wuzella, S. Pichler, and H. Lammer, “Properties of Different Chemically Treated Woven Hemp Fabric Reinforced Bio-Composites,” J. Renew. Mater., vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 1505–1516, 2022.

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