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Study on Performance Regulation and Mechanism of Quicklime and Biopolymer on Hemihydrate Phosphogypsum

Zaibo Zhou1, Juanhong Liu1,2,3,*, Kun Luo1, Aixiang Wu1,3, Hongjiang Wang1,3

1 College of Civil and Resource Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China
2 Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Underground Space Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China
3 State Key Laboratory of High-Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines, Ministry of Education, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China

* Corresponding Author: Juanhong Liu. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives)

Journal of Renewable Materials 2022, 10(2), 373-384.


In order to reduce the influence of impurities in hemihydrate phosphogypsum(HPG) on the environment and improve the workability of HPG, the effects of the content of quicklime and types of biopolymer (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, xanthan gum, sodium polyacrylate(PAANa)) on the compressive strength, softening coefficient and ultrasonic velocity of HPG were evaluated. When the content of quicklime was 1.5% and the content of PAANa was 0.2%, HPG had the best mechanical properties and workability, its water retention rate can be increased by 5.8%, and unconfined compressive strength of 3 days increased by 10.3% and 7 days increased by 13.1%. Through the analysis of scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction, it was found that the hydration reaction of HPG was more sufficient, the pores size and number decreased, the number of impurities on the crystal surface decreased obviously, and CaF2 and other substances were formed by the reaction after the addition of quicklime. After adding quicklime and PAANa, the indicators of gypsum self-leveling mortar prepared by HPG meet the requirements of the standard.

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Study on Performance Regulation and Mechanism of Quicklime and Biopolymer on Hemihydrate Phosphogypsum


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APA Style
Zhou, Z., Liu, J., Luo, K., Wu, A., Wang, H. (2022). Study on performance regulation and mechanism of quicklime and biopolymer on hemihydrate phosphogypsum. Journal of Renewable Materials, 10(2), 373–384.
Vancouver Style
Zhou Z, Liu J, Luo K, Wu A, Wang H. Study on performance regulation and mechanism of quicklime and biopolymer on hemihydrate phosphogypsum. J Renew Mater. 2022;10(2):373–384.
IEEE Style
Z. Zhou, J. Liu, K. Luo, A. Wu, and H. Wang, “Study on Performance Regulation and Mechanism of Quicklime and Biopolymer on Hemihydrate Phosphogypsum,” J. Renew. Mater., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 373–384, 2022.

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