Special Issues
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From Food By-Products to Value-Added Biomaterials

Submission Deadline: 01 June 2023 (closed) View: 268

Guest Editors

Farhad Garavand, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ireland.

Dr. Farhad Garavand completed his degrees (PhD, MSc, and BSc|2006-2018) in Food Science & Technology at University of Tehran, Iran. He conducted a research period as Visiting Research Scholar at University of Rome “Niccolò Cusano” (Rome, Italy) and University of Rome Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy) on using whey-based PLA composites for food packaging applications. He also worked as Research Officer at Teagasc Food Research Centre (Cork, Ireland) on separation, characterization and stabilisation of milk bioactives using membrane filtration. He is currently working as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Career-Fit PostDoc Fellow at Teagasc Food Research Centre in collaboration with Abbott Nutrition and Enterprise Ireland on improvement of gut-mental health by synbiotic systems through various food products and supplements. He has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles, books, book chapters, and conference papers and supervised four master and doctoral dissertations. He is reviewer for more than 30 peer-review journals.

Ilaria Cacciotti, Professor, University of Rome "Niccolò Cusano", Italy.

Prof. Dr. Ilaria Cacciotti is Professor of Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering and Materials Science and Technology at University of Rome "Niccolò Cusano". She is expert in the synthesis, processing and characterisation of biocompatible and eco-sustainable nanostructured materials, particularly for applications in the biomedical, environmental and agri-food sectors, including bioceramics (undoped and doped calcium phosphates, bioactive glasses), biopolymers and composites. She carried out abroad research period as Visiting Researcher at Kyoto Institute (Japan) and Deakin University (Geelong, Australia) and as Visiting Professor at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), University of Alicante (Spain), University of Sibiu (Romania) and University of Craiova (Romania). She is reviewer for more than 100 peer-review journals, has been/is Guest Editor of several Special issues, and serves on various grant review committees, such as National Science Foundation (NSF), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and National Science Center (NCN, NARODOWE CENTRUM NAUKI).

For her research activity, she was awarded with: 8th CCT Award “Best Oral Presentation for Young Researchers 2011”, 10th International Award "Giuseppe Sciacca" for Young Students, the European Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Doctoral Award (EDA-ESB (European Society of Biomaterials)) Award 2011, "Top Cited Author 2011-2012 ChemEngJ", “L’ORÉAL-UNESCO Italy for Women and Science 2011”, “Under 35 Talents in Lazio 2012”, “Featured Articles and Cover Pages for the following International Journals Chem Eng J, Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials Interfaces”, ”Young Researcher Award Elsevier" Materials Science and Engineering C" 2014, “Good Energy Award 2016”, “SRB Excellence Award 2018”, “Best Poster Award for 18th International Conference ”Life Sciences for Sustainable Development” 2019”, “BIOREMED Excellence Award 2019”, “Polymers 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Award”, “IOP trusted reviewer 2021”, “Inspirational Scientist Award” and “Women Researcher Award "in the International Scientist Award on Engineering, Science, and Medicine 2021”.


Adding value and finding a new reuse to food-derived by-products and co-products is attracting a lot of interest in several sectors. Particularly, several efforts have been and are devoted to processing them into valuable items including technological-aid agents, packaging materials, functional ingredients, etc. These organic by-products are generally produced through farm raw materials to various unit operations and processing plants, following very imperative modification and recovery approaches. Various concerns regarding waste management and environmental pollution could be properly addressed by employing food sector potentials to create innovative solutions in terms of sustainable food products. The value-added biomaterials could be considered as nutritive low-cost food and feed sources to meet the globe food requirements to the coming generation. Starch, chitosan, proteins (plant and animal source), lipids, dietary fibres, bioactive agents, antimicrobials, and micronutrients are examples of potential biomaterials that could be extracted from agro-food wastes. The aim of this special issue is to discuss the potential of the food industry to generate sustainable value-added biomaterials from organic by-products for various applications. 


Prospective subjects include but are not limited to the following:

·       Extraction and modification of biomaterials from food by-products

·       Implementation of biomaterials in food formulations

·       Using by-products in food packaging systems

·       Introducing novel applications for side-stream co-products

·       Investigating various protein sources from agro-food by-products  


Food by-products, biomaterials, sustainability, food packaging

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Utilization of Bitter Orange Seed as a Novel Pectin Source: Compositional and Rheological Characterization

    Diako Khodaei, Mohammad Nejatian, Hassan Ahmadi Gavlighi, Farhad Garavand, Ilaria Cacciotti
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.11, pp. 2805-2817, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.021752
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: From Food By-Products to Value-Added Biomaterials)
    Abstract The seeds from bitter orange, the by-product of juice making units, hold the potential to facilitate novel, easy yet high-quality pectin extraction. To test this hypothesis, orange seed pectin (OSP) was extracted by distilled water and its compositional parameters and rheological behavior were then evaluated. Results showed that galacturonic acid was the major component of OSP (∼425 mg/g) confirming the purity of the extracted pectin, followed by glucose and some minor neutral sugars. The Mw (weight-average molar mass), Rn (number average molar mass), and Rz (z-average molar mass) values for the OSP were 4511.8 kDa,… More >

    Graphic Abstract

    Utilization of Bitter Orange Seed as a Novel Pectin Source: Compositional and Rheological Characterization

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