Special Issues
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New Insights on Renewable Materials for Energy Related Applications

Submission Deadline: 31 July 2023 (closed) View: 194

Guest Editors

Min Fu, Associate professor, Shandong University of Science and Technology, China.
Dr. Min Fu obtained his Ph. D. in Beijing Institute of Technology in 2016, and studied in Pennsylvania State University as a visiting scholar for one year. He is interested in the design of novel structural and functional nano-materials, including metal oxide energy storage materials, graphene based composites and biomass carbon materials. In the field of microwave absorbing and energy storage materials, he has published over 50 research papers/patents, and compiled 2 monographs, made several Invited Talks at international and domestic academic conferences. He served as Topic Editor of Materials, and a reviewer of more than 30 international journals, such as Nano Energy, Carbon, ChemSusChem, Journal of Materials Chemistry A and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.


The depletion of traditional fossil energy and environmental pollution problems become increasingly serious recent years. Thus, searching for new energy has become one research hotspot. As two important energy storage devices, batteries and supercapacitors have aroused wide concerns and can be used in a variety of applications, such as electric vehicles, portable consumer electronics and stand-by power systems.
Municipal solid waste causes severe environmental pollution and urban space shortage problems. So far, the common ways to deal with household garbage are burying or burning. Unfortunately, both of them are not satisfactory because they may cause secondary pollution, such as groundwater pollution and air pollution. Recycling and reuse of waste is a feasible and cost effective way to overcome the resource and environmental crisis nowadays.
This special issue is dedicated to the Insights on renewable materials in energy related applications, such as lithium batteries and supercapacitors. It aims to publish original research papers, reviews, communications, based on current research and developments on biomass materials, green synthetic methods, electrolytes, electrode materials, material simulations, CO2 capture, and so forth. 
Potential topics include, but are not limited to: 
1) Advanced electrode materials for batteries and supercapacitors
2) Recycling and reuse of waste in energy related applications
3) Development of green synthetic methods 
4) Development of new high-performance electrolytes
5) Modelling and simulation of energy storage materials


Batteries, supercapacitors, electrolytes, electrode materials, material simulations, biomass

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Thermomechanical Energy Converters for Harvesting Thermal Energy: A Review

    Oleg P. Dimitriev
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.4, pp. 1555-1600, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2023.024772
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: New Insights on Renewable Materials for Energy Related Applications)
    Abstract Thermal energy, i.e., the electromagnetic energy in the infrared range that originates from the direct solar radiation, outgoing terrestrial radiation, waste heat from combustion of fuels, heat-emitting electrical devices, decay of radioactive isotopes, organic putrefaction and fermentation, human body heat, and so on, constitutes a huge energy flux circulating on the earth surface. However, most energy converters designed for the conversion of electromagnetic energy into electricity, such as photovoltaic cells, are mainly focused on using a narrow part of the solar energy lying in the visible spectrum, while thermomechanical engines that are fueled by heat… More >

    Graphic Abstract

    Thermomechanical Energy Converters for Harvesting Thermal Energy: A Review

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