Special Issues
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Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2021 (closed) View: 277

Guest Editors

Antonio Pizzi is Prof. Emeritus of Industrial Chemistry, ENSTIB, University of Lorraine, France. Previously Prof of Polymer Chemisry and Head of the Chemistry Dept. of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Three doctorates (Dr. Chem, Rome, Italy, PhD, South Africa, D.Sc. South Africa). Several international scientific prizes (twice the finalist prize of the René Descartes top prize of the European Commission, in 2000 and 2005). Specialisations: thermosetting resins, synthesis and formulation of resins and wood adhesives, adhesives from natural products, polymer chemistry, polycondensation, wood panels and other composites technology, environment-friendly wood preservatives, materials science, wood welding. Author of 11 books published in New York and of 805 publications in refereed journals, and 41 patents, with his H-Index of 71.


The field of adhesives is in constant and rapid evolution with considerable novelties been published constantly. In particular the strong tred at present is to develop alternatives to synthetic oil-derived adhesives. A number of different trends are present on this front. Different approaches can be noticed such as (i) adhesives where a renewable biosourced material is used as partial but consistent substitution of an oil derived material leading to hybrid but definetely more enviroment friendly adhesives, and (ii) adhesives based totally or partially on synthesis materials but these being exclusively derived from totally biosourced renewable materials, and (iii) Adhesives based on totally renewable materials, modified or unmodified. All these three trends are strongly represented at present.


aminoplastics adhesives, phenolic adhesives, polyurethane adhesives, non-isocyanate polyurethane adhesives (NIPU), acrylic adhesives, epoxy adhesives, renewable resources, environment friendly, partially or totally biobased.

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    A Review of the Advances Made in Improving the Durability of Welded Wood against Water in Light of the Results of African Tropical Woods Welding

    Jean Jalin Eyinga Biwôlé, Achille Bernard Biwolé, Antonio Pizzi, Joseph Zobo Mfomo, César Segovia, Atangana Ateba, Evariste Fedoung Fongnzossie, Sahbi Ouertani, Xinyi Chen, Bénoît Ndiwe, Dieudonné Abessolo, Pierre-Jean Meausoone
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.3, pp. 1077-1099, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2023.024079
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract Wood plays a major role in the production of furniture and wooden structures. Nevertheless, in this process, the massive use of adhesives and plural connectors remains a definite problem for health and the environment. Therefore, wood welding is a breakthrough in this respect. This paper reviews the applications of wood welding in furniture and construction and then examines advances in improving the durability of welded wood against water. Our contribution also highlights the need to join African tropical woods using the rotational friction welding technique. According to our results, these woods present interesting chemical singularities, More >

  • Open Access


    MALDI ToF Investigation of the Reaction of Soy Protein Isolate with Glutaraldehyde for Wood Adhesives

    Qianyu Zhang, Antonio Pizzi, Hong Lei, Xuedong Xi, Ming Cao, Long Cao
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.3, pp. 1439-1450, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.023535
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract Soy protein adhesives are currently a hot research topic in the wood panels industry for the abundant raw material reserves, reasonable price and outstanding environmental features. But their poor water resistance, low bonding strength and intolerance to mold are major drawbacks, so that proper modification before use is essential. Glutaraldehyde is one of the more apt cross-linking agents for soybean protein adhesives, which can effectively improve the bonding strength and water resistance of the adhesive. Equally, glutaraldehyde is also an efficient and broad-spectrum fungicide that can significantly improve the anti-fungal properties of a soy protein… More >

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    MALDI ToF Investigation of the Reaction of Soy Protein Isolate with Glutaraldehyde for Wood Adhesives

  • Open Access


    MUF Resins Improved by Citric Acid as Adhesives for Wood Veneer Panels

    Claudio Del Menezzi, Antonio Pizzi, Siham Amirou, Xuedong Xi
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.2, pp. 539-553, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.024971
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)

    This article presents the first applied results of using citric acid in combinations with a melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) resin for bonding wood veneers. The chemical reactions involved are shown based on a MALDI ToF analysis of the reaction of the MUF resin with citric acid. The preliminary results of the physical and mechanical properties of the LVL prepared are also presented. Veneers from Populus sp were used to manufacture 5-layer laminated veneer lumber (LVL) of small dimensions. Five combinations of the amount of citric acid, MUF spread rate and pressing parameters were tested. LVL bonded with 20%

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    MUF Resins Improved by Citric Acid as Adhesives for Wood Veneer Panels

  • Open Access


    A Review of Soy-Tannin Gelling for Resins Applications

    Antonio Pizzi
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.1, pp. 1-25, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.023314
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract Soy flour (SF), soy protein and soy protein isolates (SPI) have been the focus of increasing research on their application as new materials for a variety of applications, mainly for wood adhesives and other resins. Tannins too have been the focus of increasing research for similar applications. While both materials are classed as non-toxic and have achieved interesting results the majority of the numerous and rather inventive approaches have still relied on some sort of hardeners or cross-linkers to bring either of them or even their combination to achieve acceptable results. The paper after a More >

  • Open Access


    Modeling and Optimization of the Shear Strength of Cassava Starch-Based Adhesives Using Artificial Intelligence Methods

    Weixing Zhang, Chunxia He
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.12, pp. 3263-3283, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.020516
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract With the exponential growth of the computing power, machine learning techniques have been successfully used in various applications. This paper intended to predict and optimize the shear strength of single lap cassava starchbased adhesive joints for comparison with the application of artificial intelligence (AI) methods. The shear strength was firstly determined by the experiment with three independent experimental variables (starch content, NaOH concentration and reaction temperature). The analysis of range (ANORA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied to investigate the optimal combination and the significance of each factor for the shear strength based on… More >

  • Open Access


    Research Progress of Soybean Protein Adhesive: A Review

    Yantao Xu, Yufei Han, Jianzhang Li, Jing Luo, Sheldon Q. Shi, Jingchao Li, Qiang Gao, An Mao
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.10, pp. 2519-2541, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.020750
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract Traditional formaldehyde-based adhesives rely excessively on petrochemical resources, release toxic gases, and pollute the environment. Plant-derived soybean protein adhesives are eco-friendly materials that have the potential to replace the formaldehyde-based adhesives used to fabricate wood-based panels. However, the poor water resistance, high brittleness, and poor mildew resistance of soybean protein adhesives limit their industrial applications. This article reviews recent research progress in the modification of soybean protein adhesives for improving the bonding performance of adhesives used for wood-based panel fabrication. Modification methods were summarized in terms of water resistance, solid content, and mildew resistance. The More >

  • Open Access


    Study on Microwave Pretreatment Technology to Improve the Effect of Shellac Impregnation of Fast-Growing Chinese Fir

    Xiya Yu, Nianfeng Wei, Qisong Liu, Zhiyong Wu, Mizi Fan, Weigang Zhao, Qinzhi Zeng
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.8, pp. 2041-2053, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.018027
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract To improve the mechanical properties of fast-growing Chinese fir (Cunnighamia lanceolate), expand its range of application, increase its value, and avoid the environmental pollution caused by impregnation with synthetic resin, Chinese fir was impregnated with a shellac solution. Since the shellac solution was difficult to penetrate into fast-growing Chinese fir, so microwave pretreatment was used to irradiate the wood to improve the permeability. This study investigated the effects of four factors, including the content of moisture in the wood before it was microwaved, the chamber pressure of microwave, the time of microwaving and the vacuum impregnation… More >

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    Study on Microwave Pretreatment Technology to Improve the Effect of Shellac Impregnation of Fast-Growing Chinese Fir

  • Open Access


    Desorption Behavior and Thermogravimetric Analysis of Bio-Hardeners

    Benoit Ndiwe, Antonio Pizzi, Hubert Chapuis, Noel Konai, Lionel Karga, Pierre Girods, Raidandi Danwe
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.8, pp. 2015-2027, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.019891
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract In this work, the thermal degradation and drying of bio-hardeners are investigated. Four bio-hardeners based on exudates of Senegalia senegal, Vachellia nilotica, Vachellia seyal, and Acacia Siebteriana were analyzed by FTIR and thermogravimetric analysis, and a desorption study was also conducted. The analysis by infrared spectroscopy indicates the existence of oligomers of different types all giving 5-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylfuran and 2, 5-dihydroxymethylfuran which are then the real hardening molecules. The pyrolysis of these extracts reveals three main regions of mass loss, a first region is located between 25°C and 110°C reflecting the loss of water from the adhesive and the formation More >

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    Desorption Behavior and Thermogravimetric Analysis of Bio-Hardeners

  • Open Access


    The Effect of Bio-Oil on High-Temperature Performance of Bio-Oil Recycled Asphalt Binders

    Hengcong Zhang, Jianmin Wu, Zhong Qin, Yin Luo
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.4, pp. 1025-1037, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.017483
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract Bio-oil recycled asphalt binders in road engineering can help solve the problem of oil shortage and reduce the environmental pollution and sustainability. This paper investigated the road performance of the aged asphalt binder by adding bio-oil so that the aged asphalt binder could be reused to reach purpose of reuse. The residual soybean oil was selected as rejuvenator and blended with aged asphalt binder at 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%, respectively. The results showed that bio-oil increased the penetration of aged asphalt binder, the penetration of bio-oil recycled asphalt binder with a bio-oil content of… More >

  • Open Access


    Lignocellulosic Micro and Nanofibrillated Cellulose Produced by Steam Explosion for Wood Adhesive Formulations

    Saad Nader, Felipe Guzman, Raphael Becar, César Segovia, Cecilia Fuentealba, Miguel Peirera, Evelyne Mauret, Nicolas Brosse
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 263-271, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.017923
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract The reinforcing impact of Lignocellulosic micro and nanofibrillated cellulose (L-MNFCs) obtained from Eucalyptus Globulus bark in Urea-Formaldehyde UF adhesive was tested. L-MNFCs were prepared by an environmentally friendly, low-cost process using a combination process involving steam explosion followed by refining and ultra-fine grinding. Obtained L-MNFCs showed a web-like morphology with some aggregates and lignin nanodroplets. They present a mixture of residual fibers and fine elements with a width varying between 5 nm to 20 μm, respectively. The effects of the addition of low amounts of L-MNFCs (1% wt.) on the properties of three different adhesives (Urea-Formaldehyde UF, Phenol-Formaldehyde More >

    Graphic Abstract

    Lignocellulosic Micro and Nanofibrillated Cellulose Produced by Steam Explosion for Wood Adhesive Formulations

  • Open Access


    Plasma Treatment Induced Chemical Changes of Alkali Lignin to Enhance the Performances of Lignin-Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin Adhesive

    Zhigang Wu, Sicheng Chen, Jiankun Liang, Lifen Li, Xuedong Xi, Xue Deng, Bengang Zhang, Hong Lei
    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.9, No.11, pp. 1959-1972, 2021, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2021.016786
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Renewable and Biosourced Adhesives-2021)
    Abstract Alkali lignin was processed by plasma and then used in modification of phenol formaldehyde resin in this study. Chemical structural changes of lignin which was processed by plasma as well as bonding strength, tensile property, curing performance and thermal property of the prepared phenol formaldehyde resin which was modified by the plasma processed lignin were analyzed. Results demonstrated that: (1) Alkali lignin was degraded after the plasma processing. The original groups were destroyed, and the aromatic rings collected abundant free radicals and oxygen-containing functional groups like hydroxyls, carbonyls, carboxyls and acyls were introduced into increase… More >

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    Plasma Treatment Induced Chemical Changes of Alkali Lignin to Enhance the Performances of Lignin-Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin Adhesive

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