Special Issues
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Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites: Processing, Manufacturing, Characterizations and Environmentally Friendly Applications

Submission Deadline: 30 April 2024 (closed) View: 238

Guest Editors

M.R.M. Asyraf, Senior Lecturer, Faculty Mechanical of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Dr. Muhammad Asyraf bin Muhammad Rizal also known as M.R.M. Asyraf is currently a Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He also served as Associate Research Fellow at Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), UTM. Currently, he has registered himself as a graduate engineer under the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), a graduate technologist under the Malaysian Board of Technologist (MBOT) and a corporate member of Persatuan Pembangunan Industri Enau Malaysia (PPIEM). Previously, he received his doctorate degree in Material Engineering at Universiti Putra Malaysia and was awarded as IKM Research Prize in Polymer & Materials Science. For his first degree, he was honoured to receive Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with first class honors (CGPA of 3.789). He also was the recipient of Royal Education Award 2018 by Conference of Rulers Malaysia, Excellent Graduate Award 2019 by Bank Rakyat Foundation and Excellent academic Award by UPM Corporation. His main research interests are: (1) Design Development and Concurrent Engineering; (2) Mechanical and thermal characterization of polymer composites; and (3) Creep analysis and service life analysis. Currently, he has authored and co-authored more than 150 articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, bulletins and books on polymer composites and concurrent engineering. His current H-index is 30 with more than 2442 citations as recorded by the Scopus database. Besides, he has delivered more than 10 international and local presentations from various conferences and seminars. In terms of scientific experience, he was appointed as a member of editorial boards in some international journals, and is also a leading guest editor in several reputable journals.

Mohd Nor Faiz Norrrahim, Research Officer, National Defense University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Dr. Mohd Nor Faiz Norrrahim has research interests in nanotechnology, composites, materials science, polymers, chemical and biological defense, and biotechnology. He has conducted various studies on the benefits of nanocellulose and its applications. During his doctoral studies, he improved the nanocellulose production from oil palm biomass using mechanical treatment. Now, his research is focused on using nanocellulose for applications such as composites, adsorbents, and military. His expertise in this field has been proven by the high-impact publications he has produced related to nanocellulose research. To date, he has authored or co-authored more than 100 articles, including 33 book chapters in renowned journals on nanotechnology, materials science, chemistry, and biotechnology-related subjects. He also published 1 book in Elsevier entitled "Industrial Application of Nanocellulose and its Nanocomposites". He has received several local and international innovation awards. His current H-index is Google Scholar is 32 and on Scopus 27. Besides that, he has presented his research findings at several local and international conferences. He also received several innovation awards.


Throughout the past several decades, natural fibres, such as cellulosic fibres, have been the subject of the most promising study for their potential to replace synthetic fibres. This is owing to the intrinsic characteristics of natural fibres, such as their renewability, vast availability, low manufacturing cost, and biodegradability. Many items have been reinforced using polymer composites including natural fibres such as kenaf, bamboo, banana, jute, flax oil palm, and sugar palm. Various chemical (alkalinisation, bleaching, silane treatment, etc.) and physical (electron beam, heat treatment, etc.) modification approaches have been undertaken to improve adhesion and compatibility between cellulosic fibres and their matrix. As a result, the finished biocomposites have superior characteristics to their constituent elements. Biocomposites are characterised as materials composed of two or more constituent materials, primarily fibre reinforcements and matrices, that are bound together.

Biocomposites of natural fibre-reinforced polymers are one of the new materials that will replace synthetic-based materials in a variety of industrial industries. Many industries and areas, including food packaging, aerospace, automotive, sporting goods, home items, biomedical and rehabilitation equipments, marine, construction, and electrical devices, currently employ biocomposites. In addition, natural fibre biocomposites have the potential to be used in transport components and products such as train (interior panelling for rail vehicles, train seat panelling, and door leaves), naval (hull and deck), aircraft (radome, interior and exterior body panels), and automotive (radome, interior and exterior body panels) (door panels, dashboard, car bumper beam, spoiler, and mounting engine rubber). The utilisation of natural fibre biocomposites would enhance the performance of transportation vehicles by reducing their weight, hence reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions. Its application also appears to have great potential for usage in rehabilitation equipment, such as a superior alternative for the padding found in commercially available spinal orthoses.

The purpose of this Special Issue is to present a selection of reference papers, reviews, or communications representing the latest results in the field of natural fibre reinforced polymer composites, which will enrich current and future literature data. Considering the great importance of this fascinating area of research, the goal of this Special Issue is to present a selection of reference papers, reviews, or communications representing the latest results in the field.

In an effort to investigate these hypotheses, the focus of this special issue will be on new horizons in the research, development, and improvement of the characteristics of fiber-reinforced polymer composites, as well as the possible structural applications of these materials. Articles based on original research as well as reviews are encouraged.

The following are examples of potential themes; however, this list is not exhaustive:

1. Natural fibres reinforcements and fillers

2. Synthetic and bio-based polymer matrices

3. Hybrid fibres-based composites

4. Additive manufacturing technology

5. Treatments and modifications of polymer composites

6. Manufacturing process of polymer composites

7. Conceptual design, material selection and product development of natural fibre reinforced polymer composites

8. Life cycle analysis of natural fibre reinforced polymer composites products

9. Applications of natural fibre reinforced polymer composites for assistive devices, biomedical and rehabilitation equipment.


1.Synthetic and natural fibres
2.Synthetic and natural fibre-based composites
3.Mechanical properties
4.Additive manufacturing
5.Manufacturing process
6.Structural and non-structural applications
7.Biomedical and rehabilitation applications

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