Open Access
The Effect of Packet Loss Rate on Multipath Routing for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network
Department of Computer Science, Applied College, King Khalid University, Abha, KSA
* Corresponding Author: Mohammed Abazeed. Email:
Journal on Internet of Things 2022, 4(4), 227-233.
Received 07 February 2023; Accepted 09 May 2023; Issue published 18 July 2023
Wireless multimedia sensor networks present unique quality of service and resource management requirements that distinguish them from scalar data in traditional wireless sensor networks. These demands pose a formidable obstacle to sensor nodes, which are resource-constrained and thus require distinct strategies and techniques to operate effectively. Multipath routing improves reliability while conserving the limited resources of sensor nodes. The source node selects the most optimal paths for delivering multimedia packets based on the multi-hop routes. This paper investigates the impact of packet loss on the observed frame rate in multipath routing protocols and evaluates it mathematically at the receiver node. These results define the reliability needs for transmitting video in WMSN.Keywords
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