Correlation Analysis of Control Parameters of Flotation Process
Yanpeng Wu1, Xiaoqi Peng1,*, Nur Mohammad2
Journal on Internet of Things, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 63-69, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jiot.2019.06111
Abstract The dosage of gold-antimony flotation process of 5 main drugs, including Copper Sulfate, Lead Nitrate, Yellow Medicine, No. 2 Oil, Black Medicine, with corresponding visual features of foam images, including Stability, Gray Scale, Mean R, Mean G, Mean B, Mean Average, Dimension and Degree Variance, were recorded. Parameter correlation analysis showed that the correlation among Copper Sulfate, Yellow Medicine, Black Medicine, as well as the correlation among Gray Scale, Mean R, Mean G, Mean B, is strong, and the correlation among Dimension, Gray Scale, Mean R, Mean G, Mean B, as well as the correlation More >