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Radiation Cross Calibration Based on GF-1 Side Swing Angle

Yong Xie1, Zui Tao2,*, Wen Shao3, John J. Qu4, Hai Huan3, Chuanyang Tian3

School of Geography and Science, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, 210044, China.
Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100089, China.
School of Electronic & Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, 210044, China.
Environmental Science and Technology Center, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA, 22030, U.S.A

*Corresponding Author: Zui Tao. Email: email.

Journal on Internet of Things 2019, 1(1), 9-16.


Radiation cross-calibration is an effective method to check and verify the accuracy and stability of sensor measurements. Satellites with high radiation accuracy are used to calibrate satellites with low radiation accuracy. In order to ensure the reliability of the radiation cross-calibration method, we propose to obtain the gain and offset of the GaoFen-1 satellite by linear regression after the radiation cross-calibration of the satellite with low precision and compare with the official coefficient. Finally, we get the relationship between the error in radiation cross-calibration results and side swing angle. The linear correction coefficients of each band are: 0.618, 0.625, 0.512 and 0.474. The results show that after the method is corrected by the linear correction coefficient, the error caused by the side swing angle during the cross-calibration of the orbital radiation is reduced. The accuracy of radiation cross-calibration is improved, the frequency of calibration is improved and the requirements of remote sensing applications in the new era are adapted.


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APA Style
Xie, Y., Tao, Z., Shao, W., J. Qu, J., Huan, H. et al. (2019). Radiation cross calibration based on GF-1 side swing angle. Journal on Internet of Things, 1(1), 9–16.
Vancouver Style
Xie Y, Tao Z, Shao W, J. Qu J, Huan H, Tian C. Radiation cross calibration based on GF-1 side swing angle. J Internet Things. 2019;1(1):9–16.
IEEE Style
Y. Xie, Z. Tao, W. Shao, J. J. Qu, H. Huan, and C. Tian, “Radiation Cross Calibration Based on GF-1 Side Swing Angle,” J. Internet Things, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9–16, 2019.

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