Open Access
Analysis of Tourism Demand Difference Based on Data Mining and Intelligent Analysis
1 Economic Management Department, Maoming Polytechnic, Maoming, 525000, China
2 School of Hospitality and Tourism, Taylor’s University, Selangor, 47500, Malaysia
* Corresponding Author: Peng Cheng. Email:
Journal on Big Data 2023, 5, 69-84.
Received 01 September 2023; Accepted 04 October 2023; Issue published 24 November 2023
To serve as a reference for future foreign tourism study, relevant tourist sectors have done in-depth investigations on foreign tourism both domestically and internationally. A study of outbound tourism activities from the viewpoint of tourists can examine its development law and create successful marketing tactics based on the rise in the number of foreign tourists. Based on this, this study suggests a data mining technique to examine the variations in travel needs and marketing tactics among various consumer groups. The combined example analysis demonstrates how logical and useful our data mining analysis is. Our data tests demonstrate that the tourism strategy outlined in this paper can enhance the number of tourists by piquing their interest based on the rise in the number of international travellers travelling overseas.Keywords
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