Research on the Best Shooting State Based on the “Three Forces” Model
Xuguang Liu1, Ruqing Zhao2, Qifei Chen2, Ming Shi3, Ziling Xing2, Yanan Zhang4,*
Journal on Big Data, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 85-93, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jbd.2020.013845
- 18 September 2020
Abstract The shooting state during shooting refers to the basketball’s shooting
speed, shooting angle and the ball’s rotation speed. The basketball flight path is
also related to these factors. In this paper, based on the three forces of Gravity,
Air Resistance and Magnus Force, the “Three Forces” model is established, the
Kinetic equations are derived, the basketball flight trajectory is solved by
simulation, and the best shot state when shooting is obtained through the
shooting percentage. Compared with the “Single Force” model that only
considers Gravity, the shooting percentage of the “Three Forces” model is
higher. More >