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Macroscopic Modelling Approach for Textile Reinforcement Forming

Renzi Bai1,2,*, Julien Colmars3, Hui Cheng1,2, Kaifu Zhang1,2, Philippe Boisse3

1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, 710072, China
2 The Key Laboratory of Aircraft High Performance Assembly, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, 710072, China
3 Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, CNRS, LaMCoS, UMR5259, Villeurbanne, 69621, France

* Corresponding Author: Renzi Bai Email: email

The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2024, 30(3), 1-1.


The increasing use of composite material require more efficient and inexpensive manufacturing process analysis method to optimize the product quality. The manufacture of textile reinforced composites often requires the preforming of a dry textile reinforcement and the subsequent injection of a resin in Liquid Composite Moulding processes (LCM). The composite can also be produced by thermoforming a prepreg consisting of a textile reinforcement incorporating the unhardened matrix, so that the composite can be formed. In both cases (LCM and prepreg), the forming process is driven by the deformation of the textile reinforcement which is influenced by its fibrous composition.
Standard finite element methods based on classical plate and shell theories are not verified for textile reinforcement. The objective of this conference paper is to show that a fibrous shell approach based on the quasi-inextensibility of the fibers makes it possible to correctly model the deformation during forming. Therefore, a continuum mechanics-based 3D shell element is developed. The kinematics associated with the form of the virtual work taken into account reflect the specificity of the deformation modes of the fiber reinforcements (quasi-inextensibility of the fibers and the possibility of slippage between fibers). The rotation of the material normal is simulated in good agreement with the forming experiments. Besides, fabric’s in-plane bending (IPB) behavior show also the influence on the simulation results. Numerical spurious mode involving in-plane shear is avoided due to the new approach. Fiber orientations and distributions of shear angles are simulated in good agreement with experiments and give better results than simulations neglecting the IPB behavior.


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APA Style
Bai, R., Colmars, J., Cheng, H., Zhang, K., Boisse, P. (2024). Macroscopic modelling approach for textile reinforcement forming. The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, 30(3), 1–1.
Vancouver Style
Bai R, Colmars J, Cheng H, Zhang K, Boisse P. Macroscopic modelling approach for textile reinforcement forming. Int Conf Comput Exp Eng Sciences. 2024;30(3):1–1.
IEEE Style
R. Bai, J. Colmars, H. Cheng, K. Zhang, and P. Boisse, “Macroscopic Modelling Approach for Textile Reinforcement Forming,” Int. Conf. Comput. Exp. Eng. Sciences, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1–1, 2024.

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