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An Intergrid Boundary Reconnection Technique for Conservative Unstructured Overset Mesh Scheme

by Mun Seung Jung1, Oh Joon Kwon2, simulations of time-accurate un-steady flows involving multiple bodies in relative motion are frequen problems, overset mesh technique has been regarded as the most prominentapproach. In spite of the successful a problems, several practical problems still exist for overset meshmethods. For conventional overset mesh techniques, transfer of flow variables be-tween mesh blocks is achieved through interpolation, therefore conservationof fluxes is usually not guaranteed across the overset mesh block boundary. Be- problem, numerical difficulties arise when severe flow gradients suchas shock wave or massively separated flow e study, a conservative overset mesh scheme is proposed for theefficient, accurate numerical simulation of unsteady time-accurate flows aroundmultiple bodies in relative motio procedure, all overset mesh blocks are connected instantaneously ateach time step, can be treated as a single block. Thus the conservation propertyof flow over the global computational satisfied, even whenthe objects are in an arbitrary relative motion, without any spurious mass, momen-tum, energy production from inside of the flow domain. For this purpose, anintergrid boundary reconnection technique is developed to enhance the efficiency, the robustness of generating new elements inside the blank region. In the caseof the flow problems wi movement, the overset mesh blocks reduces to single block unstructured mesh.Appliction of the present intergri a2, the results are presented in Fig.1, the store indepen-dently as shown in Fig.1, a non-overlapping blank region is

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Instituteof Science and Technology(KAIST) Daejeon 305-701, Repubic of Korea
Corresponding Author. Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Korea AdvancedInstitute of Science and Technology(KAIST) Daejeon 305-701, Repubic of Korea (Email) (Phone) +8242-350-3720, (Fax) +8242-350-3710.

The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2009, 11(3), 77-78.


This article has no abstract.

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APA Style
Jung, M.S., Kwon, O.J. (2009). An intergrid boundary reconnection technique for conservative unstructured overset mesh scheme. The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, 11(3), 77–78.
Vancouver Style
Jung MS, Kwon OJ. An intergrid boundary reconnection technique for conservative unstructured overset mesh scheme. Int Conf Comput Exp Eng Sciences. 2009;11(3):77–78.
IEEE Style
M. S. Jung and O. J. Kwon, “An Intergrid Boundary Reconnection Technique for Conservative Unstructured Overset Mesh Scheme,” Int. Conf. Comput. Exp. Eng. Sciences, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 77–78, 2009.

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