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Towards standardising the fatigue crack simulation studies on metallic materials

S. M. Beden1, S. Abdullah1, A. K. Ariffin1

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University Kebangsaan Malaysia. (S. Abdullah)

The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2009, 10(2), 41-50.


Fatigue crack growth as consequence of service loads depends on many different contributing factors. This paper describes the fatigue crack growth behavior of metallic materials under cyclic loading towards standardizing the fatigue crack studies on metallic materials. For the simulation purpose, three points bend (TPB) with span to width ratio 8:1 and compact tension (CT) specimens geometry were used. There are many factors affecting the fatigue crack growth in structures, such as fatigue crack growth model, stress ratio, aspect ratio and type of geometry. The behavior of such cases is shown using different fatigue crack models (Paris, Forman and Austen). These models gave different fatigue crack growth behavior. The fatigue crack growth obtained from two specimens geometry was compared. Different values of these factors showed different effects on the fatigue crack growth. For further study need to validate the modelling procedure with experimental work as well as take into account the other factors such as; other types of geometries with fatigue crack models and environmental effects.


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APA Style
Beden, S.M., Abdullah, S., Ariffin, A.K. (2009). Towards standardising the fatigue crack simulation studies on metallic materials. The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, 10(2), 41–50.
Vancouver Style
Beden SM, Abdullah S, Ariffin AK. Towards standardising the fatigue crack simulation studies on metallic materials. Int Conf Comput Exp Eng Sciences. 2009;10(2):41–50.
IEEE Style
S. M. Beden, S. Abdullah, and A. K. Ariffin, “Towards standardising the fatigue crack simulation studies on metallic materials,” Int. Conf. Comput. Exp. Eng. Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 41–50, 2009.

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