Home / Journals / IASC / Vol.37, No.3, 2023
Special Issues
  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Detection of a Quasiperiodic Phenomenon of a Binary Star System Using Convolutional Neural Network

    Denis Benka*, Sabína Vašová, Michal Kebísek, Maximilián Strémy
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2519-2535, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040799 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Pattern recognition algorithms are commonly utilized to discover certain patterns, particularly in image-based data. Our study focuses on quasiperiodic oscillations (QPO) in celestial objects referred to as cataclysmic variables (CV). We are dealing with interestingly indistinct QPO signals, which we analyze using a power density spectrum (PDS). The confidence in detecting the latter using certain statistical approaches may come out with less significance than the truth. We work with real and simulated QPO data of a CV called MV Lyrae. Our primary statistical tool for determining confidence levels is sigma intervals. The aforementioned CV has More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Deep Learning Model for Big Data Classification in Apache Spark Environment

    T. M. Nithya1,*, R. Umanesan2, T. Kalavathidevi3, C. Selvarathi4, A. Kavitha5
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2537-2547, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.028804 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Big data analytics is a popular research topic due to its applicability in various real time applications. The recent advent of machine learning and deep learning models can be applied to analyze big data with better performance. Since big data involves numerous features and necessitates high computational time, feature selection methodologies using metaheuristic optimization algorithms can be adopted to choose optimum set of features and thereby improves the overall classification performance. This study proposes a new sigmoid butterfly optimization method with an optimum gated recurrent unit (SBOA-OGRU) model for big data classification in Apache Spark. More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Dart Games Optimizer with Deep Learning-Based Computational Linguistics Named Entity Recognition

    Mesfer Al Duhayyim1,*, Hala J. Alshahrani2, Khaled Tarmissi3, Heyam H. Al-Baity4, Abdullah Mohamed5, Ishfaq Yaseen6, Amgad Atta Abdelmageed6, Mohamed I. Eldesouki7
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2549-2566, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.034827 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Computational linguistics is an engineering-based scientific discipline. It deals with understanding written and spoken language from a computational viewpoint. Further, the domain also helps construct the artefacts that are useful in processing and producing a language either in bulk or in a dialogue setting. Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a fundamental task in the data extraction process. It concentrates on identifying and labelling the atomic components from several texts grouped under different entities, such as organizations, people, places, and times. Further, the NER mechanism identifies and removes more types of entities as per the requirements.… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Alphabet-Level Indian Sign Language Translation to Text Using Hybrid-AO Thresholding with CNN

    Seema Sabharwal1,2,*, Priti Singla1
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2567-2582, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.035497 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Deep Learning for Image Video Restoration and Compression)
    Abstract Sign language is used as a communication medium in the field of trade, defence, and in deaf-mute communities worldwide. Over the last few decades, research in the domain of translation of sign language has grown and become more challenging. This necessitates the development of a Sign Language Translation System (SLTS) to provide effective communication in different research domains. In this paper, novel Hybrid Adaptive Gaussian Thresholding with Otsu Algorithm (Hybrid-AO) for image segmentation is proposed for the translation of alphabet-level Indian Sign Language (ISLTS) with a 5-layer Convolution Neural Network (CNN). The focus of this… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Pancreas Segmentation Optimization Based on Coarse-to-Fine Scheme

    Xu Yao1,2, Chengjian Qiu1, Yuqing Song1, Zhe Liu1,*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2583-2594, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.037205 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Cognitive Granular Computing Methods for Big Data Analysis)
    Abstract As the pancreas only occupies a small region in the whole abdominal computed tomography (CT) scans and has high variability in shape, location and size, deep neural networks in automatic pancreas segmentation task can be easily confused by the complex and variable background. To alleviate these issues, this paper proposes a novel pancreas segmentation optimization based on the coarse-to-fine structure, in which the coarse stage is responsible for increasing the proportion of the target region in the input image through the minimum bounding box, and the fine is for improving the accuracy of pancreas segmentation More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    SCADA Data-Based Support Vector Machine for False Alarm Identification for Wind Turbine Management

    Ana María Peco Chacón, Isaac Segovia Ramírez, Fausto Pedro García Márquez*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2595-2608, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.037277 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Data Analytics for Critical Infrastructures)
    Abstract Maintenance operations have a critical influence on power generation by wind turbines (WT). Advanced algorithms must analyze large volume of data from condition monitoring systems (CMS) to determine the actual working conditions and avoid false alarms. This paper proposes different support vector machine (SVM) algorithms for the prediction and detection of false alarms. K-Fold cross-validation (CV) is applied to evaluate the classification reliability of these algorithms. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) data from an operating WT are applied to test the proposed approach. The results from the quadratic SVM showed an accuracy rate of More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Secure Microgrid Data Storage Strategy with Directed Acyclic Graph Consensus Mechanism

    Jian Shang1,2,*, Runmin Guan2, Wei Wang2
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2609-2626, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.037694 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Security and Privacy Fog-Cloud Assisted Internet of Things Network)
    Abstract The wide application of intelligent terminals in microgrids has fueled the surge of data amount in recent years. In real-world scenarios, microgrids must store large amounts of data efficiently while also being able to withstand malicious cyberattacks. To meet the high hardware resource requirements, address the vulnerability to network attacks and poor reliability in the traditional centralized data storage schemes, this paper proposes a secure storage management method for microgrid data that considers node trust and directed acyclic graph (DAG) consensus mechanism. Firstly, the microgrid data storage model is designed based on the edge computing… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Distributed Active Partial Label Learning

    Zhen Xu1,2, Weibin Chen1,2,*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2627-2650, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040497 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Active learning (AL) trains a high-precision predictor model from small numbers of labeled data by iteratively annotating the most valuable data sample from an unlabeled data pool with a class label throughout the learning process. However, most current AL methods start with the premise that the labels queried at AL rounds must be free of ambiguity, which may be unrealistic in some real-world applications where only a set of candidate labels can be obtained for selected data. Besides, most of the existing AL algorithms only consider the case of centralized processing, which necessitates gathering together… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Satellite-Air-Terrestrial Cloud Edge Collaborative Networks: Architecture, Multi-Node Task Processing and Computation

    Sai Liu1, Zhenjiang Zhang1,*, Guangjie Han2, Bo Shen1
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2651-2668, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.038477 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Optimization Problems Based on Mathematical Algorithms and Soft Computing)
    Abstract Integrated satellite-terrestrial network (ISTN) has been considered a novel network architecture to achieve global three-dimensional coverage and ultra-wide area broadband access anytime and anywhere. Being a promising paradigm, cloud computing and mobile edge computing (MEC) have been identified as key technology enablers for ISTN to further improve quality of service and business continuity. However, most of the existing ISTN studies based on cloud computing and MEC regard satellite networks as relay networks, ignoring the feasibility of directly deploying cloud computing nodes and edge computing nodes on satellites. In addition, most computing tasks are transferred to… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Deep Pyramidal Residual Network for Indoor-Outdoor Activity Recognition Based on Wearable Sensor

    Sakorn Mekruksavanich1, Narit Hnoohom2, Anuchit Jitpattanakul3,4,*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2669-2686, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.038549 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Recognition of human activity is one of the most exciting aspects of time-series classification, with substantial practical and theoretical implications. Recent evidence indicates that activity recognition from wearable sensors is an effective technique for tracking elderly adults and children in indoor and outdoor environments. Consequently, researchers have demonstrated considerable passion for developing cutting-edge deep learning systems capable of exploiting unprocessed sensor data from wearable devices and generating practical decision assistance in many contexts. This study provides a deep learning-based approach for recognizing indoor and outdoor movement utilizing an enhanced deep pyramidal residual model called SenPyramidNet… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Genetic Algorithm Combined with the K-Means Algorithm: A Hybrid Technique for Unsupervised Feature Selection

    Hachemi Bennaceur, Meznah Almutairy, Norah Alhussain*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2687-2706, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.038723 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Optimization Algorithm for Intelligent Computing Application)
    Abstract The dimensionality of data is increasing very rapidly, which creates challenges for most of the current mining and learning algorithms, such as large memory requirements and high computational costs. The literature includes much research on feature selection for supervised learning. However, feature selection for unsupervised learning has only recently been studied. Finding the subset of features in unsupervised learning that enhances the performance is challenging since the clusters are indeterminate. This work proposes a hybrid technique for unsupervised feature selection called GAk-MEANS, which combines the genetic algorithm (GA) approach with the classical k-Means algorithm. In… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Point Cloud Based Semantic Segmentation Method for Unmanned Shuttle Bus

    Sidong Wu, Cuiping Duan, Bufan Ren, Liuquan Ren, Tao Jiang, Jianying Yuan*, Jiajia Liu, Dequan Guo
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2707-2726, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.038948 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Intelligent Systems for Diversified Application Domains)
    Abstract The complexity of application scenarios and the enormous volume of point cloud data make it difficult to quickly and effectively segment the scenario only based on the point cloud. In this paper, to address the semantic segmentation for safety driving of unmanned shuttle buses, an accurate and effective point cloud-based semantic segmentation method is proposed for specified scenarios (such as campus). Firstly, we analyze the characteristic of the shuttle bus scenarios and propose to use ROI selection to reduce the total points in computation, and then propose an improved semantic segmentation model based on Cylinder3D,… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Estimating Anthropometric Soft Biometrics: An Empirical Method

    Bilal Hassan1,*, Hafiz Husnain Raza Sherazi2, Mubashir Ali3, Yusra Siddiqi2
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2727-2743, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039275 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Real-Time Applications)
    Abstract Following the success of soft biometrics over traditional biometrics, anthropometric soft biometrics are emerging as candidate features for recognition or retrieval using an image/video. Anthropometric soft biometrics uses a quantitative mode of annotation which is a relatively better method for annotation than qualitative annotations adopted by traditional biometrics. However, one of the most challenging tasks is to achieve a higher level of accuracy while estimating anthropometric soft biometrics using an image or video. The level of accuracy is usually affected by several contextual factors such as overlapping body components, an angle from the camera, and… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Construction Method of Equipment Defect Knowledge Graph in IoT

    Huafei Yang1, Wenqing Yang1, Nan Zhang1, Shanming Wei2,*, Yingnan Shang1
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2745-2765, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.036614 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Equipment defect detection is essential to the security and stability of power grid networking operations. Besides the status of the power grid itself, environmental information is also necessary for equipment defect detection. At the same time, different types of intelligent sensors can monitor environmental information, such as temperature, humidity, dust, etc. Therefore, we apply the Internet of Things (IoT) technology to monitor the related environment and pervasive interconnections to diverse physical objects. However, the data related to device defects in the existing Internet of Things are complex and lack uniform association hence building a knowledge… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Advanced Guided Whale Optimization Algorithm for Feature Selection in BlazePose Action Recognition

    Motasem S. Alsawadi1,*, El-Sayed M. El-kenawy2, Miguel Rio1
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2767-2782, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039440 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Optimization Algorithm for Intelligent Computing Application)
    Abstract The BlazePose, which models human body skeletons as spatiotemporal graphs, has achieved fantastic performance in skeleton-based action identification. Skeleton extraction from photos for mobile devices has been made possible by the BlazePose system. A Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network (STGCN) can then forecast the actions. The Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network (STGCN) can be improved by simply replacing the skeleton input data with a different set of joints that provide more information about the activity of interest. On the other hand, existing approaches require the user to manually set the graph’s topology and then fix it across… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Adaptive Multi-Updating Strategy Based Particle Swarm Optimization

    Dongping Tian1,*, Bingchun Li1, Jing Liu1, Chen Liu1, Ling Yuan1, Zhongzhi Shi2
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2783-2807, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039531 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a stochastic computation technique that has become an increasingly important branch of swarm intelligence optimization. However, like other evolutionary algorithms, PSO also suffers from premature convergence and entrapment into local optima in dealing with complex multimodal problems. Thus this paper puts forward an adaptive multi-updating strategy based particle swarm optimization (abbreviated as AMS-PSO). To start with, the chaotic sequence is employed to generate high-quality initial particles to accelerate the convergence rate of the AMS-PSO. Subsequently, according to the current iteration, different update schemes are used to regulate the particle search… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Research on Freezing of Gait Recognition Method Based on Variational Mode Decomposition

    Shoutao Li1,2,*, Ruyi Qu1, Yu Zhang1, Dingli Yu3
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2809-2823, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.036999 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Freezing of Gait (FOG) is the most common and disabling gait disorder in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), which seriously affects the life quality and social function of patients. This paper proposes a FOG recognition method based on the Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD). Firstly, VMD instead of the traditional time-frequency analysis method to complete adaptive decomposition to the FOG signal. Secondly, to improve the accuracy and speed of the recognition algorithm, use the CART model as the base classifier and perform the feature dimension reduction. Then use the RUSBoost ensemble algorithm to solve the problem… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Integrated Generative Adversarial Network and XGBoost for Anomaly Processing of Massive Data Flow in Dispatch Automation Systems

    Wenlu Ji1, Yingqi Liao1,*, Liudong Zhang2
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2825-2848, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039618 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Existing power anomaly detection is mainly based on a pattern matching algorithm. However, this method requires a lot of manual work, is time-consuming, and cannot detect unknown anomalies. Moreover, a large amount of labeled anomaly data is required in machine learning-based anomaly detection. Therefore, this paper proposes the application of a generative adversarial network (GAN) to massive data stream anomaly identification, diagnosis, and prediction in power dispatching automation systems. Firstly, to address the problem of the small amount of anomaly data, a GAN is used to obtain reliable labeled datasets for fault diagnosis model training… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Enhanced Metaheuristics with Machine Learning Enabled Cyberattack Detection Model

    Ahmed S. Almasoud*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2849-2863, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039718 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered the next-gen connection network and is ubiquitous since it is based on the Internet. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) determines the intrusion performance of terminal equipment and IoT communication procedures from IoT environments after taking equivalent defence measures based on the identified behaviour. In this background, the current study develops an Enhanced Metaheuristics with Machine Learning enabled Cyberattack Detection and Classification (EMML-CADC) model in an IoT environment. The aim of the presented EMML-CADC model is to detect cyberattacks in IoT environments with enhanced efficiency. To attain this, the EMML-CADC… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Sketch-Based Generation Model for Diverse Ceramic Tile Images Using Generative Adversarial Network

    Jianfeng Lu1,*, Xinyi Liu1, Mengtao Shi1, Chen Cui1,2, Mahmoud Emam1,3
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2865-2882, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039742 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Ceramic tiles are one of the most indispensable materials for interior decoration. The ceramic patterns can’t match the design requirements in terms of diversity and interactivity due to their natural textures. In this paper, we propose a sketch-based generation method for generating diverse ceramic tile images based on a hand-drawn sketches using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The generated tile images can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the user for the tile textures. The proposed method consists of four steps. Firstly, a dataset of ceramic tile images with diverse distributions is created and… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A New Method for Image Tamper Detection Based on an Improved U-Net

    Jie Zhang, Jianxun Zhang*, Bowen Li, Jie Cao, Yifan Guo
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2883-2895, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039805 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Industrial Operation Application)
    Abstract With the improvement of image editing technology, the threshold of image tampering technology decreases, which leads to a decrease in the authenticity of image content. This has also driven research on image forgery detection techniques. In this paper, a U-Net with multiple sensory field feature extraction (MSCU-Net) for image forgery detection is proposed. The proposed MSCU-Net is an end-to-end image essential attribute segmentation network that can perform image forgery detection without any pre-processing or post-processing. MSCU-Net replaces the single-scale convolution module in the original network with an improved multiple perceptual field convolution module so that More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Wake-Up Security: Effective Security Improvement Mechanism for Low Power Internet of Things

    Sun-Woo Yun1, Na-Eun Park1, Il-Gu Lee1,2,*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2897-2917, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039940 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advanced Achievements of Intelligent and Secure Systems for the Next Generation Computing)
    Abstract As time and space constraints decrease due to the development of wireless communication network technology, the scale and scope of cyberattacks targeting the Internet of Things (IoT) are increasing. However, it is difficult to apply high-performance security modules to the IoT owing to the limited battery, memory capacity, and data transmission performance depending on the size of the device. Conventional research has mainly reduced power consumption by lightening encryption algorithms. However, it is difficult to defend large-scale information systems and networks against advanced and intelligent attacks because of the problem of deteriorating security performance. In… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Dynamic Security SFC Branching Path Selection Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Shuangxing Deng, Man Li*, Huachun Zhou
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2919-2939, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039985 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advanced Achievements of Intelligent and Secure Systems for the Next Generation Computing)
    Abstract Security service function chaining (SFC) based on software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) technology allows traffic to be forwarded sequentially among different security service functions to achieve a combination of security functions. Security SFC can be deployed according to requirements, but the current SFC is not flexible enough and lacks an effective feedback mechanism. The SFC is not traffic aware and the changes of traffic may cause the previously deployed security SFC to be invalid. How to establish a closed-loop mechanism to enhance the adaptive capability of the security SFC to malicious traffic… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    FIDS: Filtering-Based Intrusion Detection System for In-Vehicle CAN

    Seungmin Lee, Hyunghoon Kim, Haehyun Cho, Hyo Jin Jo*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2941-2954, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039992 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advanced Achievements of Intelligent and Secure Systems for the Next Generation Computing)
    Abstract Modern vehicles are equipped with multiple Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that support various convenient driving functions, such as the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). To enable communication between these ECUs, the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol is widely used. However, since CAN lacks any security technologies, it is vulnerable to cyber attacks. To address this, researchers have conducted studies on machine learning-based intrusion detection systems (IDSs) for CAN. However, most existing IDSs still have non-negligible detection errors. In this paper, we propose a new filtering-based intrusion detection system (FIDS) to minimize the detection errors of… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Multi-Domain Malicious Behavior Knowledge Base Framework for Multi-Type DDoS Behavior Detection

    Ouyang Liu, Kun Li*, Ziwei Yin, Deyun Gao, Huachun Zhou
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2955-2977, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039995 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advanced Achievements of Intelligent and Secure Systems for the Next Generation Computing)
    Abstract Due to the many types of distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) attacks and the large amount of data generated, it becomes a challenge to manage and apply the malicious behavior knowledge generated by DDoS attacks. We propose a malicious behavior knowledge base framework for DDoS attacks, which completes the construction and application of a multi-domain malicious behavior knowledge base. First, we collected malicious behavior traffic generated by five mainstream DDoS attacks. At the same time, we completed the knowledge collection mechanism through data pre-processing and dataset design. Then, we designed a malicious behavior category graph and… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Design the IoT Botnet Defense Process for Cybersecurity in Smart City

    Donghyun Kim1, Seungho Jeon2, Jiho Shin3, Jung Taek Seo4,*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2979-2997, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040019 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advanced Achievements of Intelligent and Secure Systems for the Next Generation Computing)
    Abstract The smart city comprises various infrastructures, including healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, and energy. A smart city’s Internet of Things (IoT) environment constitutes a massive IoT environment encompassing numerous devices. As many devices are installed, managing security for the entire IoT device ecosystem becomes challenging, and attack vectors accessible to attackers increase. However, these devices often have low power and specifications, lacking the same security features as general Information Technology (IT) systems, making them susceptible to cyberattacks. This vulnerability is particularly concerning in smart cities, where IoT devices are connected to essential support systems such as healthcare… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    State Accurate Representation and Performance Prediction Algorithm Optimization for Industrial Equipment Based on Digital Twin

    Ying Bai1,*, Xiaoti Ren2, Hong Li1
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 2999-3018, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040124 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Innovation in Mechatronics Approaches for Physical Human-Robot Interaction and Co-Manipulation)
    Abstract The combination of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and digital twin (DT) technology makes it possible for the DT model to realize the dynamic perception of equipment status and performance. However, conventional digital modeling is weak in the fusion and adjustment ability between virtual and real information. The performance prediction based on experience greatly reduces the inclusiveness and accuracy of the model. In this paper, a DT-IIoT optimization model is proposed to improve the real-time representation and prediction ability of the key equipment state. Firstly, a global real-time feedback and the dynamic adjustment mechanism… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    An Automatic Classification Grading of Spinach Seedlings Water Stress Based on N-MobileNetXt

    Yanlei Xu, Xue Cong, Yuting Zhai, Zhiyuan Gao, Helong Yu*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3019-3037, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040330 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract To solve inefficient water stress classification of spinach seedlings under complex background, this study proposed an automatic classification method for the water stress level of spinach seedlings based on the N-MobileNetXt (NCAM+MobileNetXt) network. Firstly, this study reconstructed the Sandglass Block to effectively increase the model accuracy; secondly, this study introduced the group convolution module and a two-dimensional adaptive average pool, which can significantly compress the model parameters and enhance the model robustness separately; finally, this study innovatively proposed the Normalization-based Channel Attention Module (NCAM) to enhance the image features obviously. The experimental results showed that More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Performance Evaluation of Three-Dimensional UWB Real-Time Locating Auto-Positioning System for Fire Rescue

    Hang Yang1,2,3,*, Xunbo Li1, Witold Pedrycz2
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3039-3058, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040412 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Fire rescue challenges and solutions have evolved from straightforward plane rescue to encompass 3D space due to the rise of high-rise city buildings. Hence, this study facilitates a system with quick and simplified on-site launching and generates real-time location data, enabling fire rescuers to arrive at the intended spot faster and correctly for effective and precise rescue. Auto-positioning with step-by-step instructions is proposed when launching the locating system, while no extra measuring instrument like Total Station (TS) is needed. Real-time location tracking is provided via a 3D space real-time locating system (RTLS) constructed using Ultra-wide… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Novel Attack on Complex APUFs Using the Evolutionary Deep Convolutional Neural Network

    Ali Ahmadi Shahrakht1, Parisa Hajirahimi2, Omid Rostami3, Diego Martín4,*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3059-3081, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040502 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract As the internet of things (IoT) continues to expand rapidly, the significance of its security concerns has grown in recent years. To address these concerns, physical unclonable functions (PUFs) have emerged as valuable tools for enhancing IoT security. PUFs leverage the inherent randomness found in the embedded hardware of IoT devices. However, it has been shown that some PUFs can be modeled by attackers using machine-learning-based approaches. In this paper, a new deep learning (DL)-based modeling attack is introduced to break the resistance of complex XAPUFs. Because training DL models is a problem that falls… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Nonlinear Spatiotemporal Optimization Method of Hypergraph Convolution Networks for Traffic Prediction

    Difeng Zhu1, Zhimou Zhu2, Xuan Gong1, Demao Ye1, Chao Li3,*, Jingjing Chen4,*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3083-3100, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040517 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Traffic prediction is a necessary function in intelligent transportation systems to alleviate traffic congestion. Graph learning methods mainly focus on the spatiotemporal dimension, but ignore the nonlinear movement of traffic prediction and the high-order relationships among various kinds of road segments. There exist two issues: 1) deep integration of the spatiotemporal information and 2) global spatial dependencies for structural properties. To address these issues, we propose a nonlinear spatiotemporal optimization method, which introduces hypergraph convolution networks (HGCN). The method utilizes the higher-order spatial features of the road network captured by HGCN, and dynamically integrates them More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification Using Deep Learning and Hybrid of Word Embedding and Contextual Position

    Waqas Ahmad1, Hikmat Ullah Khan1,2,*, Fawaz Khaled Alarfaj3,*, Saqib Iqbal4, Abdullah Mohammad Alomair3, Naif Almusallam3
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3101-3124, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040614 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to detect and classify the sentiment polarities as negative, positive, or neutral while associating them with their identified aspects from the corresponding context. In this regard, prior methodologies widely utilize either word embedding or tree-based representations. Meanwhile, the separate use of those deep features such as word embedding and tree-based dependencies has become a significant cause of information loss. Generally, word embedding preserves the syntactic and semantic relations between a couple of terms lying in a sentence. Besides, the tree-based structure conserves the grammatical and logical dependencies of context. In addition,… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Intelligent Fish Behavior Classification Using Modified Invasive Weed Optimization with Ensemble Fusion Model

    B. Keerthi Samhitha*, R. Subhashini
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3125-3142, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040643 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Accurate and rapid detection of fish behaviors is critical to perceive health and welfare by allowing farmers to make informed management decisions about recirculating the aquaculture system while decreasing labor. The classic detection approach involves placing sensors on the skin or body of the fish, which may interfere with typical behavior and welfare. The progress of deep learning and computer vision technologies opens up new opportunities to understand the biological basis of this behavior and precisely quantify behaviors that contribute to achieving accurate management in precision farming and higher production efficacy. This study develops an… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Contamination Identification of Lentinula Edodes Logs Based on Improved YOLOv5s

    Xuefei Chen1, Wenhui Tan2, Qiulan Wu1,*, Feng Zhang1, Xiumei Guo1, Zixin Zhu1
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3143-3157, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040903 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of Lentinula edodes logs contamination identification, an improved YOLOv5s contamination identification model for Lentinula edodes logs (YOLOv5s-CGGS) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a CA (coordinate attention) mechanism is introduced in the feature extraction network of YOLOv5s to improve the identifiability of Lentinula edodes logs contamination and the accuracy of target localization. Then, the CIoU (Complete-IOU) loss function is replaced by an SIoU (SCYLLA-IoU) loss function to improve the model’s convergence speed and inference accuracy. Finally, the GSConv and GhostConv modules are used to improve and optimize More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Optimization of Cognitive Radio System Using Enhanced Firefly Algorithm

    Nitin Mittal1, Rohit Salgotra2,3, Abhishek Sharma4, Sandeep Kaur5, S. S. Askar6, Mohamed Abouhawwash7,8,*
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3159-3177, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.041059 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract The optimization of cognitive radio (CR) system using an enhanced firefly algorithm (EFA) is presented in this work. The Firefly algorithm (FA) is a nature-inspired algorithm based on the unique light-flashing behavior of fireflies. It has already proved its competence in various optimization problems, but it suffers from slow convergence issues. To improve the convergence performance of FA, a new variant named EFA is proposed. The effectiveness of EFA as a good optimizer is demonstrated by optimizing benchmark functions, and simulation results show its superior performance compared to biogeography-based optimization (BBO), bat algorithm, artificial bee More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    SC-Net: A New U-Net Network for Hippocampus Segmentation

    Xinyi Xiao, Dongbo Pan*, Jianjun Yuan
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3179-3191, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.041208 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Cognitive Granular Computing Methods for Big Data Analysis)
    Abstract Neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease have a significant impact on the lives and health of the elderly as the aging population continues to grow. Doctors can achieve effective prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease according to the morphological volume of hippocampus. General segmentation techniques frequently fail to produce satisfactory results due to hippocampus’s small size, complex structure, and fuzzy edges. We develop a new SC-Net model using complete brain MRI images to achieve high-precision segmentation of hippocampal structures. The proposed network improves the accuracy of hippocampal structural segmentation by retaining the original location information of More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Optimizing Power Allocation for D2D Communication with URLLC under Rician Fading Channel: A Learning-to-Optimize Approach

    Owais Muhammad1, Hong Jiang1,*, Mushtaq Muhammad Umer1, Bilal Muhammad2, Naeem Muhammad Ahtsam3
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3193-3212, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.041232 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract To meet the high-performance requirements of fifth-generation (5G) and sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks, in particular, ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (URLLC) is considered to be one of the most important communication scenarios in a wireless network. In this paper, we consider the effects of the Rician fading channel on the performance of cooperative device-to-device (D2D) communication with URLLC. For better performance, we maximize and examine the system’s minimal rate of D2D communication. Due to the interference in D2D communication, the problem of maximizing the minimum rate becomes non-convex and difficult to solve. To solve this problem,… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Sensor Network Coverage Planning Based on Adjusted Single Candidate Optimizer

    Trong-The Nguyen1,2,3, Thi-Kien Dao1,2,3,*, Trinh-Dong Nguyen2,3
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3213-3234, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.041356 - 11 September 2023
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Industrial Operation Application)
    Abstract Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are widely used for various practical applications due to their simplicity and versatility. The quality of service in WSNs is greatly influenced by the coverage, which directly affects the monitoring capacity of the target region. However, low WSN coverage and uneven distribution of nodes in random deployments pose significant challenges. This study proposes an optimal node planning strategy for network coverage based on an adjusted single candidate optimizer (ASCO) to address these issues. The single candidate optimizer (SCO) is a metaheuristic algorithm with stable implementation procedures. However, it has limitations in More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Recognition System for Diagnosing Pneumonia and Bronchitis Using Children’s Breathing Sounds Based on Transfer Learning

    Jianying Shi1, Shengchao Chen1, Benguo Yu2, Yi Ren3,*, Guanjun Wang1,4,*, Chenyang Xue5
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.3, pp. 3235-3258, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.041392 - 11 September 2023
    Abstract Respiratory infections in children increase the risk of fatal lung disease, making effective identification and analysis of breath sounds essential. However, most studies have focused on adults ignoring pediatric patients whose lungs are more vulnerable due to an imperfect immune system, and the scarcity of medical data has limited the development of deep learning methods toward reliability and high classification accuracy. In this work, we collected three types of breath sounds from children with normal (120 recordings), bronchitis (120 recordings), and pneumonia (120 recordings) at the posterior chest position using an off-the-shelf 3M electronic stethoscope.… More >

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