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Extended Speckle Reduction Anisotropic Diffusion Filter to Despeckle Ultrasound Images

P. L. Joseph Raj, K. Kalimuthu*, Sabitha Gauni, C. T. Manimegalai

Department of ECE, College of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India

* Corresponding Author: K. Kalimuthu. Email: email

Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2022, 34(2), 1187-1196.


Speckle Reduction Anisotropic Diffusion filter which is used to despeckle ultrasound images, perform well at homogeneous region than in heterogeneous region resulting in loss of information available at the edges. Extended SRAD filter does the same, preserving better the edges in addition, compared to the existing SRAD filter. The proposed Extended SRAD filter includes the intensity of four more neighboring pixels in addition with other four that is meant for SRAD filter operation. So, a total of eight pixels are involved in determining the intensity of a single pixel. This improves despeckling performance by maintaining the information accessible at an image’s edges. The proposed filter produces better Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Root Mean Square Error and Structural Similarity Index values for standard test images with different noise levels with variance 0.3, 0.35 and 0.4. It also performs well in denoising breast ultrasound images at different noise levels.


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APA Style
Joseph Raj, P.L., Kalimuthu, K., Gauni, S., Manimegalai, C.T. (2022). Extended speckle reduction anisotropic diffusion filter to despeckle ultrasound images. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 34(2), 1187–1196.
Vancouver Style
Joseph Raj PL, Kalimuthu K, Gauni S, Manimegalai CT. Extended speckle reduction anisotropic diffusion filter to despeckle ultrasound images. Intell Automat Soft Comput. 2022;34(2):1187–1196.
IEEE Style
P. L. Joseph Raj, K. Kalimuthu, S. Gauni, and C. T. Manimegalai, “Extended Speckle Reduction Anisotropic Diffusion Filter to Despeckle Ultrasound Images,” Intell. Automat. Soft Comput., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1187–1196, 2022.

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