Open Access
DAMFO-Based Optimal Path Selection and Data Aggregation in WSN
1 Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Kanchipuram, 631604, India
2 St Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, 600054, India
3 Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, 600066, India
* Corresponding Author: S. Sudha Mercy. Email:
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2022, 32(1), 589-604.
Received 22 June 2021; Accepted 23 August 2021; Issue published 26 October 2021
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) encompasses several tiny devices termed as Sensor Nodes (SN) that have restriction in resources with lower energy, memory, together with computation. Data Aggregation (DA) is required to optimize WSN for secured data transmission at Cluster Head (CH) together with Base Station (BS). With regard to the Energy Efficiency (EE) along with the privacy conservation requirements of WSN in big-data processing and aggregation, this paper proposed Diversity centered Adaptive Moth-Flame Optimization (DAMFO) for Optimal Path Selection (OPS) and DA in WSN. In the proposed work, initially, the Trust Evaluation (TE) process is performed. The Pompeiu Distance-centered Fuzzy C-Means (PDFCM) is employed for Cluster Formation (CF) in addition to Cluster Head Selection (CHS) and then DAMFO algorithm chooses the optimal path to gather the data together with cluster centroids. The DHECC algorithm then generates keys and encrypts the aggregated data. The encrypted data is finally passed on to the BS. The experimentation outcomes exhibited that the proposed algorithm outweighs the traditional methods with respect to Energy Consumption (EC) 6.35 J, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) of 93%, Throughput of 0.956 bps, end-to-end delay 6.547 s, together with a lifetime of networks. Additionally, the proposed system exhibits the best Security Level (SL) of 94.2% amid the transmission.Keywords
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