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Storage-based Control Loop for AGC to Mitigate the Tie-lines Power Excursion between Areas

Shengqi Zhang, Bei Yuan, Jianfeng Zhao

School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, 2 Sipailou Xuwu District, Nanjing, China)

* Corresponding Author: Shengqi Zhang, email

Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2019, 25(4), 745-753.


With the current trend of deregulation, more power exchange between GENCOs and DISCOs in different areas exists in the power system. To mitigate the unscheduled power exchange meets the common interests of GENCOs and DISCOs, and avoids the power over-loading on tie-lines. However, in the current control performance standards (CPS), frequency deviations have priority in the conventional automatic generation control (C-AGC). Thus, a storagebased tie-line control loop (STCL) on the basis of C-AGC (STCL-AGC) is proposed in this paper, which makes a better tradeoff in the recovery of the frequency deviations and the unscheduled power exchange. In STCL-AGC, utility-scaled battery energy storage systems (BESS) in neighboring areas are referred to supply and consume the same amount of power and respond to the unscheduled power exchange. Meanwhile, as the operation of BESS is not always positive on the recovery of frequency deviations and area control error (ACE), CPS are involved to ensure the practical use of STCL-AGC. At last, in a two-area interconnected power system case, promising results are shown that the unscheduled power exchange is mitigated effectively by STCL-AGC with small sizes of BESS.


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APA Style
Zhang, S., Yuan, B., Zhao, J. (2019). Storage-based control loop for AGC to mitigate the tie-lines power excursion between areas. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 25(4), 745–753.
Vancouver Style
Zhang S, Yuan B, Zhao J. Storage-based control loop for AGC to mitigate the tie-lines power excursion between areas. Intell Automat Soft Comput. 2019;25(4):745–753.
IEEE Style
S. Zhang, B. Yuan, and J. Zhao, “Storage-based Control Loop for AGC to Mitigate the Tie-lines Power Excursion between Areas,” Intell. Automat. Soft Comput., vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 745–753, 2019.

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