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Development of Available Transfer Capability Enhancement Using Intelligent Genetic Algorithm for IEEE Bus System

R. Rohini1, Dasari Narasimha Rao2, S. Ravi3, V. Sampath Kumar4

1 Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, India
2 Defense University, Ethiopia
3 Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Botswana
4 Amity University, India.

* Corresponding Author: R. Rohini, email

Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2019, 25(3), 433-440.


Improving Available Transfer Capability is an important issue in the deregulated power systems. The Available Transfer Capability of a transmission network is the transfer capabilities of a transmission network for the transfer of power for further commercial activity, over and above already committed usage. It is a proven fact that Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System technology can control voltage magnitude, phase angle, and circuit reactance. Therefore, it is important to investigate the impact of Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System controllers on the available transfer capability. This paper is focuses on the evaluation impact of Thyristor controlled switched capacitors and static var compensators in the network. A real-coded genetic algorithm tested on IEEE 14 Bus System, and IEEE 24 bus system is used to analyze the transfer capability and enhancement in two modes, one with line outage and another without line outage on the flexible alternating current transmission network to obtain optimum results. In a competitive (deregulated) power market, the location of these devices and their control can significantly affect the operation of the system.


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APA Style
Rohini, R., Rao, D.N., Ravi, S., Kumar, V.S. (2019). Development of available transfer capability enhancement using intelligent genetic algorithm for IEEE bus system. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 25(3), 433–440.
Vancouver Style
Rohini R, Rao DN, Ravi S, Kumar VS. Development of available transfer capability enhancement using intelligent genetic algorithm for IEEE bus system. Intell Automat Soft Comput. 2019;25(3):433–440.
IEEE Style
R. Rohini, D.N. Rao, S. Ravi, and V.S. Kumar, “Development of Available Transfer Capability Enhancement Using Intelligent Genetic Algorithm for IEEE Bus System,” Intell. Automat. Soft Comput., vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 433–440, 2019.

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