Special Issues

Fuzzy Collaborative Forecasting, Clustering, Control, and Decision Making

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2023 (closed) View: 17

Guest Editors

Prof. Toly Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Prof. Katsuhiro Honda, Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan
Prof. Grzegorz Bocewicz, Koszalin University of Technology, Poland


Multiple analyses of a problem from diverse perspectives raise the chance that no relevant aspects of the problem will be ignored. In addition, as internet applications become widespread, dealing with disparate data sources is becoming more and more popular. Technical constraints, security issues, and privacy considerations often limit access to some sources. Therefore, the concepts of collaborative computing intelligence and collaborative fuzzy modeling have been proposed, and certain so-called fuzzy collaborative systems are being established. In a fuzzy collaborative system, some experts, agents, or systems with various backgrounds are trying to achieve a common target. Since they have different knowledge and points of view, they may use various methods to model, identify, or control the common target. The key of such a system is that these experts, agents, or systems share and exchange their observations, settings, experiences, and knowledge each other when achieving the common goal. This features the fuzzy collaborative system distinct from the ensemble of multiple fuzzy systems.


In the limited literature, fuzzy collaborative intelligence and systems have been successfully applied to collaborative clustering, group forecasting, agent negotiation, assessment and reputation, information filtering, robot control, intrusion detection, object tracking, decision making, etc. Applications of fuzzy collaborative intelligence in other fields remain to be investigated. Several studies have argued that for certain problems, a fuzzy collaborative intelligence approach is more precise, accurate, efficient, safe, and private than typical approaches.


This special issue is intended to provide technical details of the development of fuzzy collaborative intelligence, fuzzy collaborative systems, and the corresponding applications. These details will hold great interest for researchers in information engineering, information management, artificial intelligence, and computational intelligence, as well as for practicing managers and engineers. This special issue features a balance between state-of-the-art research and practical applications. This special issue also provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to review and disseminate quality research work on fuzzy collaborative intelligence, fuzzy collaborative systems, the applications of this technology, and the critical issues for further development.


Fuzzy collaborative intelligence
Fuzzy collaborative systems
Fuzzy collaborative assessment and reputation
Fuzzy collaborative clustering
Rough-fuzzy collaborative clustering
Fuzzy collaborative control
Fuzzy collaborative design
Fuzzy collaborative filtering
Fuzzy collaborative forecasting
Fuzzy collaborative planning
Fuzzy group decision making
Implementation procedure
Communication, negotiation protocol
Quality of collaboration
Applications of fuzzy collaboration

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