Open Access
Cross Flow Characteristics and Heat Transfer of Staggered Tubes Bundle: A Numerical Study
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
* Corresponding Author: Husam Rashid Hudear. Email:
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer 2023, 21, 367-383.
Received 07 June 2023; Accepted 25 July 2023; Issue published 30 November 2023
This paper presents a numerical emulation study of heat transmission through tube banks in three-dimensions. Staggered configuration is displayed by fluid dynamics using computer programs (CFD) software (ANSYS fluent). The computer model is used to predict the values of the Nusselt number when changing the values of heat flux and longitudinal pitch. The longitudinal pitch (SL/D) of 1.3, 1.8, and 2.4 mm. The transverse pitch (ST/D) of 1.5 mm, and also considered Reynolds numbers 10000, 13000, 17000, and 190000. The staggered configuration of the tube bundle is demonstrated to investigate the impact of this arrangement on the heat transmission rate from the tubes. The gotten results indicate that the rate of heat transmission increases with decreases in the longitudinal spacing (SL). As the longitudinal spacing (SL) increases to about 44% the Nusselt number is slightly decreased by about 9%. The coefficient of heat transmission, Nusselt number, and the heat transmission data obtained from (CFD) Compared to previous research results, there is a decent agreement originating after comparison.Keywords
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