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Mixed Convection Investigation in an Opened Partitioned Heated Cavity
Groupe de Thermique, LPMMAT, Faculté des Sciences, Université Hassan II -Aïn Chock, Km 8 - Route d’El Jadida–BP: 5366 – Maârif - Casablanca, Morocco
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Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2013, 9(3), 235-250.
Mixed convection in a rectangular partitioned cavity equipped with two heated partitions at a constant temperature, TC, is investigated numerically. The right vertical wall is featured by two openings (C1 and C2) for admission of cooled air along the horizontal direction, while the lower wall has a single outlet opening (C3) along the vertical axis. The left vertical wall is assumed to be isothermal at temperature TC, while the other walls are cooled to a temperature TF < TC. The results show that the flow and heat transfer depend significantly on Reynolds number, Re, and block height, B. Correlation laws for the dimensionless heat evacuated trough the opening, Qf, as a function of, Re, and, B, are expressly derived.Keywords
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