Open Access
Heat Exchange between Film Condensation and Porous Natural Convection across a Vertical Wall
College of Technological Studies, Kuwait 70453, P.O. Box 64268
Prof.On leave from Mech.Power Eng. Dept., Mansoura university, Egypt,
Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2012, 8(1), 51-68.
Conjugate heat transfer across a vertical solid wall separating natural convection in a cold fluid-saturated porous medium and film condensation in a saturated-vapour medium is analyzed. The analysis reveals that this thermal interaction process is mainly controlled by the thermal resistance ratio of wall to porous-side natural convection and that of condensate film to natural convection. Asymptotic and numerical results of interest are obtained for the local and mean overall Nusselt number as functions of these two thermal resistance ratios.Cite This Article

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