Coupling between Stationary Marangoni and Cowley-Rosensweig Instabilities in a Deformable Ferrofluid Layer
M. Hennenberg1, B. Weyssow2, S. Slavtchev3, B. Scheid4
FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.3, No.4, pp. 295-302, 2007, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2007.003.295
Abstract A horizontal thin layer of ferrofluid is bordered by a solid and open to an inert gas on the other side. It is submitted to a heat gradient and a weak magnetic field, both being normal to the free deformable surface, leading to a coupling between the Marangoni phenomenon, induced by the variation of surface tension along the free deformable surface and the isothermal Cowley-Rosensweig problem, consequence of the magnetic field. The study of the steady compatibility condition shows a new pattern of stationary instability. The critical wavenumber is of O(√Bo), the Bond number Bo being More >