Open Access
Coalescence and Non-coalescence Phenomena in Multi-material Problems and Dispersed Multiphase Flows: Part 2, A Critical Review of CFD Approaches
MARS (Microgravity Advanced Research and Support Cen-ter), Via Gianturco 31 - 80146, Napoli, Italy, E-mail:,
Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2005, 1(3), 213-234.
The physical properties of many emulsions and metal alloys strongly depend on the multiphase morphology which is controlled to a great degree by particle-particle interaction during the related processing. In the present article significant effort is devoted to illustrate the philosophy of modeling for these phenomena and some insights into the physics. Within such a context working numerical techniques that have enjoyed a widespread use over recent years are presented and/or reviewed. Finally a focused and critical comparison of these possible approaches is reported illustrating advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses, past history and future directions.Cite This Article

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