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Nanoparticle Shape Effect on a Sodium–Alginate Based Cu–Nanofluid under a Transverse Magnetic Field

Samia Rani1, H. A. M. Al–Sharifi2, Mohammad S. Zannon3, Abid Hussanan1,*, Zafar Ullah1

1 Department of Mathematics, Division of Science and Technology, University of Education, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan
2 Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Kerbala, Kerbala, 1125, Iraq
3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tafila Technical University (TTU), Al-Iess, Tafila, 66110, Jordan

* Corresponding Author: Abid Hussanan. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Electro- magnetohydrodynamic Nanoliquid Flow and Heat Transfer)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(7), 1875-1896.


Sodium-alginate (SA) based nanofluids represent a new generation of fluids with improved performances in terms of heat transfer. This work examines the influence of the nanoparticle shape on a non–Newtonian viscoplastic Cu–nanofluid pertaining to this category. In particular, a stretching/shrinking sheet subjected to a transverse magnetic field is considered. The proposed Cu–nanofluid consists of four different nanoparticles having different shapes, namely bricks, cylinders, platelets, and blades dispersed in a mixture of sodium alginate with Prandtl number Pr = 6.45. Suitable similarity transformations are employed to reduce non–linear PDEs into a system of ODEs and these equations and related boundary conditions are solved numerically by means of a Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg (RKF) method. Moreover, analytical solutions are obtained through the application of a MAPLE built–in differential equation solver (Dsolve). The behavior of prominent parameters against velocity and temperature is analyzed. It is found that the temperature increases for all shapes of nanoparticles with the viscoplastic parameter and the Eckert number.


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APA Style
Rani, S., Al–Sharifi, H.A.M., Zannon, M.S., Hussanan, A., Ullah, Z. (2023). Nanoparticle shape effect on a sodium–alginate based cu–nanofluid under a transverse magnetic field. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(7), 1875–1896.
Vancouver Style
Rani S, Al–Sharifi HAM, Zannon MS, Hussanan A, Ullah Z. Nanoparticle shape effect on a sodium–alginate based cu–nanofluid under a transverse magnetic field. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(7):1875–1896.
IEEE Style
S. Rani, H. A. M. Al–Sharifi, M. S. Zannon, A. Hussanan, and Z. Ullah, “Nanoparticle Shape Effect on a Sodium–Alginate Based Cu–Nanofluid under a Transverse Magnetic Field,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 1875–1896, 2023.

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