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Feasibility Study for a Hybrid Power Plant (PV-Wind-Diesel-Storage) Connected to the Electricity Grid

Fahad Maoulida1,2, Kassim Mohamed Aboudou1,2,3,*, Djedjig Rabah2, Mohammed El-Ganaoui2

1 Laboratory, LEMA, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, University of Comoros, Moroni, Comoros
2 Laboratory, LERMAB, IUT Henri Poincaré of Longwy, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
3 IREMIS Institute, CUFR, University of Mayotte, Dembeni Mayotte, France

* Corresponding Author: Kassim Mohamed Aboudou. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Materials and Energy an Updated Image for 2021)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2022, 18(6), 1607-1617.


In this work, we present a feasibility study for a new hybrid power plant (PV-Wind-Diesel-Storage) directly connected to the electrical grid. Several simulations are performed to verify the performance of the hybrid system under different scenarios using real meteorological data. It is shown that the performances of the hybrid system connected to the electrical network depend obviously on the available energy resources and constraints because the renewable energies are intermittent. In addition, the price of the kWh of electricity supplied by the hybrid system is determined, which amounts to $0.209/kWh, which is very cost effective and satisfactory for the considered sample conditions (Comoros Island).

Graphic Abstract

Feasibility Study for a Hybrid Power Plant (PV-Wind-Diesel-Storage) Connected to the Electricity Grid


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APA Style
Maoulida, F., Aboudou, K.M., Rabah, D., El-Ganaoui, M. (2022). Feasibility study for a hybrid power plant (pv-wind-diesel-storage) connected to the electricity grid. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 18(6), 1607–1617.
Vancouver Style
Maoulida F, Aboudou KM, Rabah D, El-Ganaoui M. Feasibility study for a hybrid power plant (pv-wind-diesel-storage) connected to the electricity grid. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2022;18(6):1607–1617.
IEEE Style
F. Maoulida, K. M. Aboudou, D. Rabah, and M. El-Ganaoui, “Feasibility Study for a Hybrid Power Plant (PV-Wind-Diesel-Storage) Connected to the Electricity Grid,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1607–1617, 2022.

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