Open Access
Application of Epoxy Coatings to Increase the Efficiency of Wax Oils Production
Scientific and Educational Center of Geology and Development of Oil and Gas Fields, Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, 614000, Russia
* Corresponding Author: Anton Kozlov. Email:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing in the Oil and Gas Industry)
Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2022, 18(5), 1229-1241.
Received 23 November 2021; Accepted 12 January 2022; Issue published 27 May 2022
When producing hydrocarbons, an important task relates to the optimization of the stock of the producing well. The main complications for wells in non-working mode are represented by the formation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits. This issue is one of the most common problems in the production and transportation of oil. A promising method to deal with these deposits is the application of smooth coatings made of epoxy polymers on the inner surface of the production well tubing. In this work, a number of laboratory studies were carried out on the “Cold Finger” installation to assess the effectiveness of this approach. These laboratory studies have shown that the efficiency related to smooth coatings is 27% while the resulting thermal conductivity ranges from 0.259 to 0.279 W/(m°C). These results demonstrate that this technology can reduce the amount of organic deposits and increase the temperature of oil.Graphic Abstract

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