Open Access
Optimization of a High-pressure Water-Powder Mixing Prototype for Offshore Platforms
1 State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China
2 School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China
3 Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Xi’an, 710000, China
* Corresponding Author: Shu Zheng. Email:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advanced Oil and Gas Transportation and Treatment Technologies)
Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2022, 18(3), 537-548.
Received 29 July 2021; Accepted 26 September 2021; Issue published 22 February 2022
A new device is designed to promote the mixing of high-pressure water jets and powders in typical industrial applications. The water and powder mixing devices traditionally used on offshore platforms are detrimentally affected by the geometrical configuration of the water nozzle and the powder spraying pipe, which are parallel, resulting in small intersecting volumes of liquid and powder. By allowing the related jets to intersect, in the present work the optimal horizontal distance, vertical distance and intersection angle are determined through a parametric investigation. It is also shown that such values change if the number of water layers is increased from one to two. In such a case, the water and powder intersection volume can be greatly increased because the trajectory of the dry powder particles becomes more chaotic.Keywords
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