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MHD and Viscous Dissipation Effects in Marangoni Mixed Flow of a Nanofluid over an Inclined Plate in the Presence of Ohmic Heating

D. R. V. S. R. K. Sastry1, Peri K. Kameswaran2, Mohammad Hatami3,*

1 Department of Mathematics, SASTRA University, Tamilnadu, India
2 Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Tamilnadu, India
3 Mechanical Engineering Department, Esfarayen University of Technology, Esfarayen, Iran

* Corresponding Author: Mohammad Hatami. Email: email

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2021, 17(2), 285-300.


The problem of Marangoni mixed convection in the presence of an inclined magnetic field with uniform strength in a nanofluid (formed by the dispersion of two metallic nanoparticles, i.e., Copper (Cu), and alumina (Al2O3) in water) is addressed numerically. The effects of viscous dissipation and Ohmic heating are also considered. The original set of governing partial differential equations is reduced to a set of non-linear coupled ordinary differential equations employing the similarity transformation technique. The simplified equations are numerically solved through MATLAB ‘bvp4c’ algorithm. The results are presented in terms of graphs for several parameters. It is found that enhancing the stratification parameter leads to a decrease in the fluid temperature, and an increase in the aligned magnetic field angle reduces the flow velocity. Moreover, mixed convection tends to enhance both the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers. If the angle of inclination is made higher, the fluid velocity is reduced and the thickness of the thermal and concentration boundary layer grows.


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APA Style
Sastry, D.R.V.S.R.K., Kameswaran, P.K., Hatami, M. (2021). MHD and viscous dissipation effects in marangoni mixed flow of a nanofluid over an inclined plate in the presence of ohmic heating. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 17(2), 285–300.
Vancouver Style
Sastry DRVSRK, Kameswaran PK, Hatami M. MHD and viscous dissipation effects in marangoni mixed flow of a nanofluid over an inclined plate in the presence of ohmic heating. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2021;17(2):285–300.
IEEE Style
D. R. V. S. R. K. Sastry, P. K. Kameswaran, and M. Hatami, “MHD and Viscous Dissipation Effects in Marangoni Mixed Flow of a Nanofluid over an Inclined Plate in the Presence of Ohmic Heating,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 285–300, 2021.

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