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Effect of Patient-Specific Aorta Wall Properties on Hemodynamic Parameters

Mohamad Shukri Zakaria1,*, Haslina Abdullah2, Azmi Nordin1, Syazwati Ahmad Zaki1

1 Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Parit Raja, 86400, Malaysia

* Corresponding Author: Mohamad Shukri Zakaria. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Fluid Structure Interaction in Various Engineering Field)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2021, 17(1), 171-179.


This study deals with the interaction of blood flow with the wall aorta, i.e., the boundary of the main artery that transports blood in the human body. The problem is addressed in the framework of computational fluid dynamics complemented with (FSI), i.e., a fluid-structure interaction model. Two fundamental types of wall are considered, namely a flexible and a rigid boundary. The resulting hemodynamic flows are carefully compared in order to determine which boundary condition is more effective in reproducing reality. Special attention is paid to wall shear stress (WSS), a factor known for its ability to produce atherosclerosis and bulges. Laminar flow conditions are assumed. The result show that the flexible wall can produce higher WSS and pressure drop compared to the rigid aorta case.


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APA Style
Zakaria, M.S., Abdullah, H., Nordin, A., Zaki, S.A. (2021). Effect of patient-specific aorta wall properties on hemodynamic parameters. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 17(1), 171–179.
Vancouver Style
Zakaria MS, Abdullah H, Nordin A, Zaki SA. Effect of patient-specific aorta wall properties on hemodynamic parameters. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2021;17(1):171–179.
IEEE Style
M. S. Zakaria, H. Abdullah, A. Nordin, and S. A. Zaki, “Effect of Patient-Specific Aorta Wall Properties on Hemodynamic Parameters,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 171–179, 2021.

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