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An Experimental Study on the Pressure Distribution in Horizontal Gas Wells
1 No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Karamay, 834000, China
2 School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan, 430100, China
* Corresponding Author: Xingkai Zhang.
Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2020, 16(6), 1243-1258.
Received 23 March 2020; Accepted 24 September 2020; Issue published 17 December 2020
Laboratory experiments have been carried out to study the fluid flow in the wellbore of a horizontal gas well during the production process. The related pressure distribution has been determined considering different cases (different inflow media, different perforation opening methods and different liquid holdup). It has been found that the larger the fluid flow rate, the greater the pressure changes in the wellbore under the same hole opening mode. The uniformity of the perforation opening method was also an important factor affecting the magnitude of the wellbore pressure change. The liquid holdup also affected the pressure distribution, especially when the gas volumetric flow rate exceeded 200 m³/h. Comparison of the outcomes of the present experimental study with the predictions of a theoretical model available in the literature has provided a relative error smaller than 20%.Keywords
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