Open Access
Pressure-Driven Gas Flows in Micro Channels with a Slip Boundary: A Numerical Investigation
1 Laboratoire de Physique Quantique de la Matière et Modélisation Mathématique (LPQ3M), University of Mascara, Mascara, Algeria.
2 Department of Energetic and Fluid Mechanics, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, 16111, Algeria.
3 Depatment of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of 20 août 1955-Skikda, Skikda, Algeria.
4 Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Haïl University, Haïl, 2240, Saudi Arabia.
5 Laboratory of Metrology and Energy Systems, University of Monastir, Monastir, 5000, Tunisia.
6 LERMAB, IUT Longwy, Université de Lorraine, Cosnes et Romain, 54400, France.
* Corresponding Author: A. Aissa. Email: .
Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2020, 16(2), 147-159.
Received 23 July 2018; Accepted 04 February 2020; Issue published 21 April 2020
In this paper, flow of slightly rarefied compressible nitrogen in microchannels has been investigated numerically for low values of Reynolds and Mach numbers. The 2D governing equations were solved using Finite Element Method with first-order slip boundary conditions (Comsol Multiphysics software). A validation was performed by comparing with similar configuration from the literature. It was found that our model can accurately predict the pressure driven flow in microchannels. Several interesting findings are reported about the Relative pressure, longitudinal velocity, Mach number, effect of gas rarefaction and flow rate.Keywords
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