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A Note on the Transient Electrohydrodynamics of a Liquid Drop

Asghar Esmaeeli1, Ali Behjatian1

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2017, 13(3), 143-153.


The evolution of the flow field in and around a liquid drop in a unifor-m electric field for fluid systems corresponding to region (II) of the circulation-deformation map is fundamentally different than that for the rest of the map and has not been explored before. This is examined here and justified mathematical-ly. Furthermore a methodology is developed to predict the flow pattern, which is likely to be helpful in predicting the evolution of the flow field in more complex circumstances.

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APA Style
Esmaeeli, A., Behjatian, A. (2017). A note on the transient electrohydrodynamics of a liquid drop. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 13(3), 143–153.
Vancouver Style
Esmaeeli A, Behjatian A. A note on the transient electrohydrodynamics of a liquid drop. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2017;13(3):143–153.
IEEE Style
A. Esmaeeli and A. Behjatian, “A Note on the Transient Electrohydrodynamics of a Liquid Drop,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 143–153, 2017.

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