Special Issues
Table of Content

Turbulence and Environmental Fluids

Submission Deadline: 01 March 2021 (closed) View: 175

Guest Editors

Professor Saiyu Yuan, Hohai University, China
Professor Qiang Zhong, China Agricultural University, China


Summary: Environmental fluid dynamics is the study of natural motions on the earth surface akin to river dynamics, oceanic circulation, weather, atmospheric circulation and climate. Almost all the flows concerned by environmental fluid dynamics are turbulence, and turbulence usually controls important processes in environmental fluids such as erosion of the earth surface, mass and heat transfers, migration and mixing of pollutants. The special issue focuses on recent development and research studies in the area of the effects of turbulence on sediment transport, material transport, pollutant dispersion in rivers, oceans and atmospheres. The papers may present novel analytical, numerical or experimental findings within the context of turbulence and environmental fluids.
Interesting topics considered are including but not limited to the following:
1) Turbulence in open channel flows
2) Flow and sediment transport in rivers and lakes
3) Monsoon and ocean current
4) Gravity current in oceans and atmospheres
4) Pollutant transport and mixing in rivers, oceans and atmospheres
6) Numerical modeling of environmental fluids


Turbulence; environmental fluid dynamics; numerical modeling; pollutant dispersion; sediment transport

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Turbulence Intensity on Iced Conductors Gallop Phenomena

    Yuantao Liu, Yanzhe Li, Shanpeng Zhao, Youpeng Zhang, Taizhen Zhang
    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.19, No.10, pp. 2533-2547, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2023.027471
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Turbulence and Environmental Fluids)
    Abstract Turbulence is expected to play a relevant role in the so-called conductor gallop phenomena, namely, the highamplitude, low-frequency oscillation of overhead power lines due to the formation of ice structures and the ensuing effect that wind can have on these. In this work, the galloping time history of a wire with distorted (fixed in time) shape due to the formation of ice is analyzed numerically in the frame of a fluid-solid coupling method for different wind speeds and levels of turbulence. The results show that the turbulence intensity has a moderate effect on the increase… More >

    Graphic Abstract

    Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Turbulence Intensity on Iced Conductors Gallop Phenomena

  • Open Access


    Numerical Simulation of U-Shaped Metal Rings in a Wind-Sand Environment

    Songchen Wang, Xinmei Li, Cheng Chai, Gen Wang, Caibin Lu
    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.17, No.3, pp. 653-666, 2021, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2021.015127
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Turbulence and Environmental Fluids)
    Abstract The interaction of U-shaped rings used for power transmission hardware with a wind-sand field is simulated numerically. A standard turbulence model is used in synergy with an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. The results show that the wind pressure on the windward side of the U-shaped ring is the highest, a negative pressure zone appears on both sides of the U-shaped ring, while a Kármán Vortex Street is created on its leeward side. There are three possible regimes of motion for the sand grains in the wind field. Sand grains with size below 0.125 mm can follow the More >

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