Special Issues
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Fluids, Materials and Related Disasters in Geotechnical and Mining Engineering

Submission Deadline: 31 July 2024 (closed) View: 180

Guest Editors

Zhengzheng Cao, Associate Professor, Henan Polytechnic University, China

Dr. Zhengzheng Cao received his PhD degree from China University of Mining and Technology in 2017 and served as a visiting scholar at Colorado School of Mines. His research interests include deep unconventional energy extraction, mechanism of gas dynamic disaster, water inrush mechanism, etc. He has published over 30 academic papers, with 22 SCI papers and 1 highly cited papers in ESI. He has undertaken research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, he Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, Industry-University Cooperative Education Project of Ministry of Education, the Foundation for Higher Education Key Research Project by Henan Province, the Postdoctoral Research Projects of Henan Province, the Project of Henan Key Laboratory of Underground Engineering and Disaster Prevention, and other scientific research projects. He has owned achievements in patent invention and academic publications.


Deep unconventional energy, coal and other mineral resources extraction typically faces complicated challenges of fluid-mechanical nature due to a variety of factors, such as high stress fields, groundwater seepage effects, complex geological environments, low porosity and ultralow permeability effects, and multiscale natural fractures. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the research on disaster mechanisms originating from the interaction between rocks and fluids in geotechnical and mining engineering. 

The theme of this special issue is “Fluids, Materials and related Disasters in Geotechnical and Mining Engineering”. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) The influence of groundwater seepage field on deep unconventional energy exploitation.

(2) The fluid-solid coupling mechanism of unconventional energy exploitation under low permeability conditions.

(3) The rheological instability of tunnel surrounding rock (roadway) in deep water-rich areas.

(4) Research on disaster mechanism and prevention of water inrush in deep tunnel (roadway).

(5) Research on disaster mechanism and grouting prevention of water inrush in deep working face.

(6) Research on dynamic disaster mechanism and prevention of mine gas in deep mine.


Rock Material; Fluid Material; Disaster Mechanism; Geotechnical Engineering; Mining Engineering

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Effects of Temperature and Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) on Coal’s Mechanical and Acoustic Emission (AE) Properties

    Teng Teng, Yuhe Cai, Linchao Wang, Yanzhao Zhu
    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.20, No.6, pp. 1181-1202, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2023.044532
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Fluids, Materials and Related Disasters in Geotechnical and Mining Engineering)
    Abstract Liquid nitrogen has shown excellent performances as a good fracturing medium in the extraction of unconventional natural gas, and its application in coalbed methane extraction is currently a research hotspot. This study focuses on the acoustic emission properties of coal specimens treated utilizing liquid nitrogen with varying initial temperatures in a three-point bending environment. Through examination of the load-displacement curves of the considered coal samples, their mechanical properties are also revealed for different initial temperatures and cycling frequencies. The findings demonstrate a gradual decline in the maximum load capacity of coal rock as the temperature… More >

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