Guest Editors
Lennon Ó Náraigh, University College Dublin, Ireland.
Prashant Valluri, University of Edinburgh, UK.
The symposium is focused on the computational modelling of instabilities and turbulence in separated two phase flow. As such, contributions from researchers working on such flows are invited, including but not limited to the following aspects:
1) Recent algorithmic developments in level-set, volume-of-fluid, Diffuse-Interface, Lattice-Boltzmann, Front Tracking;
2) Recent developments in the understanding of the instabilities in such fluids, e.g. linear and nonlinear instability;
3) High-performance computing aspects, including possible direction of research in the context of exascal computing;
4) Postprocessing and model validation, including Statistical Learning and Uncertainty Quantification;
5) Input from experimentalists working in the area;
6) Industrial and technical applications of two-phase flows.
Further contributions from multiphase flow broadly are also welcomed, especially if they can provide insight in the above main topical areas.
computational fluid dynamics, industrial and technical application of two-phase flows
Published Papers