Guest Editors
Dr. K.Sudhakar, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
The importance of improving heat transfer performance is well known in the fields of industry and research. Enhanced heat transfer methods are widely encountered in many disciplines of science and engineering, such as the energy management, aerospace science, mechanical engineering, material science, biology and biophysics, chemical and petroleum engineering and more. The challenges in the heat transfer processes in the industries and in many other engineering and scientific fields have been overcome in the last few decades. With the latest developments on thermal engineering, heat transfer and fluid dynamics, the equipment, systems, processes, materials, and related objects with enhanced efficiency and performance is achieved with minimum waste and entropy generation. This special issue focuses on covering a variety of scientific topics related to the recent developments in the field of fluid flow, thermal and heat transfer. It aims to document the state-of-the-art research developments, new results, review, theoretical research, fundamental studies, mathematical modeling, numerical simulations, and experimental investigations relating to any kind of current and emerging topics in fluid flow, thermal and heat transfer
The scope of the Special Issue included but not limited to:
1) Analytical and numerical heat transfer in energy systems
2) Thermodynamics and heat transfer, such as thermal analysis during engine combustion
3) Entropy and waste minimization towards low circular economy
4) Heat transfer enhancement techniques
5) Thermal control and comfort
6) Enhanced oil recovery from petroleum resources.
7) Thermal energy storage and materials
Novel materials; renewable energy; circular economy; fluid flow and heat transfer
Published Papers