Guest Editors
Yuli D. Chashechkin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Although the hydrodynamics and acoustics of a drop impact have been intensively studied for more than a century and a half, a number of questions posed in the pioneer works by Rogers, Worthington, Thomson still remain unanswered. The nature of the formation of thin filaments in a pattern of the substance of falling drop distribution in target fluid, which retains its discrete properties for quite a long time despite the smoothing effect of molecular diffusion; the fine structure of the velocity field, including fast and slow jetlets, the sound emission mechanism, and a number of other issues, requires study. The implementation of new tools such as high-speed video-cameras, controlled intensive sources of light, highly sensitive hydrophones and microphones, contact sensors allows obtaining large amounts of data necessary for a more detailed description of the properties of flows, the relationship of hydrodynamic and hydroacoustic processes. The purpose of this issue is to present the results of current research of processes accompanying the immersion of freely falling drop in a wide range of pairs of contacting fluids, both miscible and immiscible, pure single-component and multi-component solutions or suspensions, as well as new theoretical approaches to the description of the waves, dynamics and the structure of the cascade of complex phenomena, including those studied as the basis for practical applications.
drop water impact sound, immersion, flows, pattern of flows, experiment
Published Papers