Open Access
Dispatchable Capability of Aggregated Electric Vehicle Charging in Distribution Systems
1 Economic and Technology Research Institute, State Grid Henan Electric Power Company, Zhengzhou, 450052, China
2 College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065, China
* Corresponding Author: Binhua Tang. Email:
Energy Engineering 2025, 122(1), 129-152.
Received 10 June 2024; Accepted 14 September 2024; Issue published 27 December 2024
This paper introduces a method for modeling the entire aggregated electric vehicle (EV) charging process and analyzing its dispatchable capabilities. The methodology involves developing a model for aggregated EV charging at the charging station level, estimating its physical dispatchable capability, determining its economic dispatchable capability under economic incentives, modeling its participation in the grid, and investigating the effects of different scenarios and EV penetration on the aggregated load dispatch and dispatchable capability. The results indicate that using economic dispatchable capability reduces charging prices by 9.7% compared to physical dispatchable capability and 9.3% compared to disorderly charging. Additionally, the peak-to-valley difference is reduced by 64.6% when applying economic dispatchable capability with 20% EV penetration and residential base load, compared to disorderly charging.Keywords
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