Open Access
Establishment of a Coupling Model for the Prediction of Heat Dissipation of the Internal Combustion Engine Based on Finite Element
1 College of Power and Energy Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, 150001, China
2 Engine Department, R&D Center, Harbin Dongan Auto Engine Co., Ltd., Harbin, 150066, China
* Corresponding Author: Hongyu Mu. Email:
Energy Engineering 2022, 119(3), 1103-1116.
Received 27 April 2021; Accepted 12 August 2021; Issue published 31 March 2022
The aerodynamics and heat transfer performance in the rear-mounted automobile cabin have an important influence on the engine's safety and the operational stability of the automobile. The article uses STAR-CCM and GT-COOL software to establish the 3D wind tunnel model and engine cooling system model of the internal combustion engine. At the same time, we established a 3D artificial coupling model through parameter transfer. The research results show that the heat transfer coefficient decreases with the increase of the comprehensive drag coefficient of the nacelle. This shows that the cabin flow field has an important influence on the heat transfer coefficient. The mainstream temperature rise of the engine room increases with the increase of the engine load. It is proved that vehicle speed affects the amount of heat dissipation of the engine room internal combustion engine under certain load conditions. The article provides a more effective and fast calculation method for the research on the heat dissipation of the internal combustion engine and the optimization of the cooling system equipment.Keywords
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