Open Access
Study on Oil Film Model of Electronic Fuel Injection Motorcycle Engine Cylinder
1 College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China
3 Zhejiang FAI Electronics Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, 310027, China
* Corresponding Author: Wei Li. Email:
Energy Engineering 2021, 118(1), 163-172.
Received 05 August 2020; Accepted 22 September 2020; Issue published 17 November 2020
Based on the principles of heat transfer, an oil film model in the engine cylinder was established. Under the condition of cold state, the influence of factors such as engine fuel injection, fuel drop point, cylinder inner wall temperature, and inlet fluid on the oil film is comprehensively considered to establish an oil film quality prediction model. Based on the measurement of the compensation oil quantity in the transition conditions, the variation of the oil film during the transition is analyzed. The experimental results show that the velocity of the airflow in the intake port and the temperature and pressure on the wall of the intake port are the main factors affecting the oil film in the cylinder. Based on the above-mentioned experimental and theoretical studies, an oil film distribution model for each cycle of the transition condition was established based on the engine inlet oil film model. The experimental measurement curve and model prediction curve for the fuel compensation per cycle in the transition condition from 10% load to 30% load. The model established can be in good agreement with the experimental results and meet the fuel compensation trend in the transition condition. While realizing the fuel compensation for the transient conditions, this work is definitely helpful to achieve accurate control of the air-fuel ratio.Keywords
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