Open Access
Semiconducting SWCNT Photo Detector for High Speed Switching Through Single Halo Doping
1 Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, 600025, Tamilnadu, India
2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VeltechMultitech Dr. RR Dr. SR Engineering College, Chennai-42, Tamilnadu, India
* Corresponding Author: A. Arulmary. Email:
Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2023, 46(2), 1617-1630.
Received 24 July 2022; Accepted 03 November 2022; Issue published 09 February 2023
The method opted for accuracy, and no existing studies are based on this method. A design and characteristic survey of a new small band gap semiconducting Single Wall Carbon Nano Tube (SWCNT) Field Effect Transistor as a photodetector is carried out. In the proposed device, better performance is achieved by increasing the diameter and introducing a new single halo (SH) doping in the channel length of the CNTFET device. This paper is a study and analysis of the performance of a Carbon Nano Tube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET) as a photodetector using the self-consistent Poisson and Green function method. The 2D self-consistent Poisson and Green’s function method for various optical intensities and wavelength simulate this proposed photodetector. The performance study is based on the simulation of drain current, transconductance, sub-threshold swing, cut-off frequency, gain, directivity, and quantum efficiency under dark and illuminated conditions. These quantum simulation results show that cut-off frequency increases while there is an increase in diameter. The proposed SH-CNTFET provides better performance in terms of higher gain and directivity than conventional CNTFET (C-CNTFET). This device will be helpful in optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEIC) receivers due to its superior performance.Keywords
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