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Hybrid Authentication Using Node Trustworthy to Detect Vulnerable Nodes

by S. M. Udhaya Sankar1,*, S. Thanga Revathi2, R. Thiagarajan3

1 Department of Information Technology, Velammal Insitutue of Technology, Chennai, 601204, India
2 Department of Networking and Communication, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, 603203, India
3 Department of Information Technology, Prathyusha Engineering College, Thiruvallur, 602025, India

* Corresponding Author: S. M. Udhaya Sankar. Email: email

Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2023, 45(1), 625-640.


An ad-hoc sensor network (ASN) is a group of sensing nodes that transmit data over a wireless link to a target node, direct or indirect, through a series of nodes. ASN becomes a high-risk group for several security exploits due to the sensor node’s limited resources. Internal threats are more challenging to protect against than external attacks. The nodes are grouped, and calculate each node’s trust level. The trust level is the result of combining internal and external trust degrees. Cluster heads (CH) are chosen based on the anticipated trust levels. The communications are then digitally signed by the source, encoded using a key pair given by a trustworthy CH, decoded by the recipient, and supervised by verifications. It authenticates the technique by identifying the presence of both the transmitter and the recipient. Our approach looks for a trustworthy neighboring node that meets the trust threshold condition to authenticate the key produced. The companion node reaffirms the node’s reliability by getting the public-key certification. The seeking sensor node and the certification issuer node must have a close and trusting relationship. The results of the proposed hybrid authentication using a node trustworthy (HANT) system are modeled and tested, and the suggested approach outperforms conventional trust-based approaches in throughput, latency, lifetime, and vulnerability methods.


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APA Style
Sankar, S.M.U., Revathi, S.T., Thiagarajan, R. (2023). Hybrid authentication using node trustworthy to detect vulnerable nodes. Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 45(1), 625–640.
Vancouver Style
Sankar SMU, Revathi ST, Thiagarajan R. Hybrid authentication using node trustworthy to detect vulnerable nodes. Comput Syst Sci Eng. 2023;45(1):625–640.
IEEE Style
S. M. U. Sankar, S. T. Revathi, and R. Thiagarajan, “Hybrid Authentication Using Node Trustworthy to Detect Vulnerable Nodes,” Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 625–640, 2023.

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