Open Access
Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Data Hiding for High Security Secret Image Sharing
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, 641022, Tamil Nadu, India
* Corresponding Author: S. Lakshmi Narayanan. Email:
Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2022, 43(3), 931-946.
Received 08 August 2021; Accepted 25 November 2021; Issue published 09 May 2022
The main aim of this work is to improve the security of data hiding for secret image sharing. The privacy and security of digital information have become a primary concern nowadays due to the enormous usage of digital technology. The security and the privacy of users’ images are ensured through reversible data hiding techniques. The efficiency of the existing data hiding techniques did not provide optimum performance with multiple end nodes. These issues are solved by using Separable Data Hiding and Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (SDHAPSO) algorithm to attain optimal performance. Image encryption, data embedding, data extraction/image recovery are the main phases of the proposed approach. DFT is generally used to extract the transform coefficient matrix from the original image. DFT coefficients are in float format, which assists in transforming the image to integral format using the round function. After obtaining the encrypted image by data-hider, additional data embedding is formulated into high-frequency coefficients. The proposed SDHAPSO is mainly utilized for performance improvement through optimal pixel location selection within the image for secret bits concealment. In addition, the secret data embedding capacity enhancement is focused on image visual quality maintenance. Hence, it is observed from the simulation results that the proposed SDHAPSO technique offers high-level security outcomes with respect to higher PSNR, security level, lesser MSE and higher correlation than existing techniques. Hence, enhanced sensitive information protection is attained, which improves the overall system performance.Keywords
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