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Improving Initial Flattening of Convex-Shaped Free-Form Mesh Surface Patches Using a Dynamic Virtual Boundary

Erdem Yavuz1,∗, Rıfat Yazıcı2, Mustafa Cem Kasapba¸sı2, Turgay Tugay Bilgin1

1 Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Bursa Technical University, Yildirim, Bursa, Turkey
2 Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul Commerce University, Istanbul, Turkey

* Corresponding Authors: E-mail: email, email, email, email

Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2019, 34(6), 339-355.


This study proposes an efficient algorithm for improving flattening result of triangular mesh surface patches having a convex shape. The proposed approach, based on barycentric mapping technique, incorporates a dynamic virtual boundary, which considerably improves initial mapping result. The dynamic virtual boundary approach is utilized to reduce the distortions for the triangles near the boundary caused by the nature of convex combination technique. Mapping results of the proposed algorithm and the base technique are compared by area and shape accuracy metrics measured for several sample surfaces. The results prove the success of the proposed approach with respect to the base method.


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APA Style
Yavuz, E., Yazıcı, R., Cem Kasapba¸sı, M., Tugay Bilgin, T. (2019). Improving initial flattening of convex-shaped free-form mesh surface patches using a dynamic virtual boundary. Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 34(6), 339–355.
Vancouver Style
Yavuz E, Yazıcı R, Cem Kasapba¸sı M, Tugay Bilgin T. Improving initial flattening of convex-shaped free-form mesh surface patches using a dynamic virtual boundary. Comput Syst Sci Eng. 2019;34(6):339–355.
IEEE Style
E. Yavuz, R. Yazıcı, M. Cem Kasapba¸sı, and T. Tugay Bilgin, “Improving Initial Flattening of Convex-Shaped Free-Form Mesh Surface Patches Using a Dynamic Virtual Boundary,” Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 339–355, 2019.


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