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A Phoneme-Based Approach for Eliminating Out-of-vocabulary Problem Turkish Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model

Erdem Yavuz1,∗, Vedat Topuz2

1 Istanbul Commerce University, Department of Computer Engineering, 34840, Istanbul
2 Marmara University, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, 34722, Istanbul. E-mail:

* Corresponding Author: E-mail: email

Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2018, 33(6), 429-445.


Since Turkish is a morphologically productive language, it is almost impossible for a word-based recognition system to be realized to completely model Turkish language. Due to the fact that it is difficult for the system to recognize words not introduced to it in a word-based recognition system, recognition success rate drops considerably caused by out-of-vocabulary words. In this study, a speaker-dependent, phoneme-based word recognition system has been designed and implemented for Turkish Language to overcome the problem. An algorithm for finding phoneme-boundaries has been devised in order to segment the word into its phonemes. After the segmentation of words into phonemes, each phoneme is separated into different sub-groups according to its position and neighboring phonemes in that word. Generated sub-groups are represented by Hidden Markov Model, which is a statistical technique, using Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients as feature vector. Since phoneme-based approach is adopted in this study, it has been successfully achieved that many out of vocabulary words could be recognized.


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APA Style
Yavuz, E., Topuz, V. (2018). A phoneme-based approach for eliminating out-of-vocabulary problem turkish speech recognition using hidden markov model. Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 33(6), 429–445.
Vancouver Style
Yavuz E, Topuz V. A phoneme-based approach for eliminating out-of-vocabulary problem turkish speech recognition using hidden markov model. Comput Syst Sci Eng. 2018;33(6):429–445.
IEEE Style
E. Yavuz and V. Topuz, “A Phoneme-Based Approach for Eliminating Out-of-vocabulary Problem Turkish Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model,” Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 429–445, 2018.

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